Branch: Dates of Service:
Grade/Rank on Discharge: Theaters of Service:
Decorations: Legal Duties (if any):
SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRATION: This applies to males between eighteen and twenty-six years of age who are either
United States citizens or aliens (including parolees and refugees and those who are lawfully admitted to the United States and for
asylum) residing in the United States; and are or were required to register under the Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. App.
453). Nonimmigrant aliens admitted under Section 101 (a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101), such as
those admitted on visitor or student visas, and lawfully remaining in the United States, are exempt from registration. If employed
with this office, you will be required to show proof of Selective Service registration, if applicable.
VETERAN'S PREFERENCE - Check the appropriate box if you are claiming veteran's preference.
1. A veteran with a service-connected disability who is eligible for or receiving compensation, disability retirement, or pension
under public laws administered by the U.S. Veterans Administration and the Department of Defense, or
2. The spouse of a veteran who cannot qualify for employment because of a total and permanent disability, or the spouse of a
veteran missing in action, captured, or forcibly detained by a foreign power, or
3. A veteran of any war who has served on active duty for 181 consecutive days or more, or who has served 180 consecutive
days or more since January 31, 1955, and who was honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States of
America if any part of such active duty was performed during a wartime era, excluding active duty for training, or
4. The unremarried widow or widower of a veteran who died of a service-connected disability.
Branch of Service Date of Entry Date of Discharge
Have you claimed and been employed using veteran’s preference since October 1, 1987? Yes No
If yes,
Name of Employer
NOTE: Under Florida law, preference in appointment shall be given by the state first to those persons included in 1 and 2 above,
and second to those persons included in 3 and 4 above. If an applicant claiming veteran's preference for a vacant position is not
selected for the vacant position, he/she may file a complaint with the Division of Veterans Affairs, P.0. Box 1437, St. Petersburg,
Florida 33731. A complaint must be filed within 21 days of the applicant receiving notice of the hiring decision made by the
employing agency or at any time if no notice is given.
In order to be considered for Veteran’s Preference, a copy of your DD214 must be submitted with your Employment Application.
Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office Employment Application