Meets them entirely
Meets them substantially
Does not meet them
If the present parsonage does not meet them entirely, outline what points are not in keeping with the
standards. What is your plan for bringing the parsonage up to Conference Standards?
Please answer the following questions with Y (yes), N (no), or NA (not applicable). Give any comments and
complete additional information questions.
Comments Additional information
Are the walls cracking?
Are the floors sagging?
Is the interior of the
parsonage in need of
When was the interior last
Is the exterior in need of
When was the exterior last
painted or sided?
Is all window glass in good
Is the roof in good repair?
When was the roof last
Does the parsonage
encourage occupancy by a
handicapped person?
If no, what changes could be
Is the parsonage energy
If no, what changes could be
Is the condition of the
carpeting acceptable?
When was it last cleaned
Is the condition of the
window coverings
Do the window coverings
need to be cleaned?
Church _________________________ City ___________________________ District __________________ Form 9
2021 Annual Parsonage Evaluation (Form 9: page 1 of 2)
The chairperson of the Board of Trustees or the chairperson of the parsonage committee, if one exists, the
chairperson of the committee on pastor-parish relations, and the pastor shall make an annual review of the
church-owned parsonage to ensure proper maintenance. (¶2533.4 of the 2016 Book of Discipline)
Note: Form 9 will be required to be submitted to the district office (as part of the church profile) when an appointment change is being made.
Additional Resource: Minnesota Conference Policy & Procedures Manual, section 300.04, found at
When was the present parsonage built? _____________Remodeled? __________________
In relation to the Housing Standards (section 200.07 of Policy & Procedures Manual) the present parsonage
Select one
Church _________________________ City ___________________________ District ______________________ Form 9
2021 Annual Parsonage Evaluation Continued (Form 9: page 2 of 2)
Comments Additional information
Do the window coverings
need to be replaced?
Is the plumbing in
good working order?
Is the electrical system
adequate and in good
working order?
Are smoke alarms installed
and operating?
Are the heating and air
conditioning (if
applicable) systems
functioning adequately?
Date last inspected?
Are the refrigerator and freezer
in good working order?
Is the range in good
working order?
Is the dishwasher in
good working order?
Is other equipment in
good working order?
Are a washer and
dryer provided?
Are a lawn mower and
snow blower provided?
Date of this evaluation:
Who was present for the evaluation?
What committee of the church deals with pastoral housing?
How often does this group meet?
Signature of chair of Board of Trustees _______________________________________________________
Signature of chair of SPRC/PPRC committee___________________________________________________________
Signature of the pastor/staff person living in the parsonage _____________________________________________
Additional Information or Comments
Select one