Administrative and Professional Faculty
Evaluation plans must require that evaluative input be provided by the faculty member in the form of a self-
assessment. The self-assessment must include analysis of activities within each performance domain as well as
progress toward achievement of annual objectives. (VCCS Policy:
Faculty Designation (select all that apply):
First Year Administrative Professional
One-year appointment Multi-year appointment
________________ to _______________
(Date of last evaluation) (Date of this evaluation)
Name of Faculty Member’s Supervisor:
Instructions: Please provide a self-assessment of your work/job related activities within each of the performance
domains and annual objectives. Be sure to include supporting information in the narrative sections or attach the
agreed upon documentation.
I. Core Responsibilities (VCCS Policy:
Narrative (include areas of success, opportunities for improvement/learning and areas of concern, where applicable):
II. Non-Routine & Strategic Responsibilities (VCCS Policy:
Narrative (include areas of success, opportunities for improvement/learning and areas of concern, where applicable):
III. College and Community Service (VCCS Policy:
Narrative (include areas of success, opportunities for improvement/learning and areas of concern, where applicable):
IV. Professional Development & Growth (VCCS Policy:
Narrative (include areas of success, opportunities for improvement/learning and areas of concern, where applicable):
V. Management Effectiveness (if required) (VCCS Policy:
Narrative (include areas of success, opportunities for improvement/learning and areas of concern, where applicable):
VI. Additional Performance Domains (as approved by Supervisor)
Narrative (include areas of success, opportunities for improvement/learning and areas of concern, where applicable):