(As aligned with above accommodaons and disability)
*The accommodaons below must be aligned to the pracces within the classroom and must be in place 30 calendar days before the assessment.
If a student needs an accommodaon that is not noted below, a Unique Accommodaon Request must be submied to the LDOE for approval.
(01) Grades 3-8 State Assessments (02) LEAP 2025/EOC (Select all that apply):
English I, English II, English III, Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, US History
(03) ELPT
(00) None (Student does not need standardized tesng accommodaons or has completed all required tesng)
Standardized tests, other than state tests, may have other spulaons for accommodaons. Please check with your DTC to access the specic
accommodaons criteria for each test.
Accommodaons such as those listed in Secons C through H enhance academic performance for many students. However, Secon 504
accommodaons are required for students with a learning, behavior, or health-related condion that signicantly reduces the student’s ability to
obtain a Free Appropriate Public Educaon.
Secon 504 accommodaons should be noted on this IAP only if they are consistently needed to provide this student equal access to educaonal
opportunies or to allow the student to learn and demonstrate learning despite his/her disability.
Students may receive standardized tesng accommodaons listed below if those accommodaons are rounely received during the instruconal
period and do not subvert the purpose of the test. Unique accommodaons not specically listed require approval using the Unique
Accommodaon Request Form.
Unique accommodaons require addional documentaon and LDOE approval 30 calendar days prior to state assessments.
Human Read Aloud Human Read Aloud Human Read Aloud Human Read Aloud
Kurzweil Kurzweil Kurzweil Kurzweil
Recorded voice le Recorded voice le Recorded voice le Recorded voice le
FM System FM System FM System FM System
Hearing Device Hearing Device Hearing Device Hearing Device
Interpreter Interpreter Interpreter Interpreter
Audio Amplicaon Audio Amplicaon Audio Amplicaon Audio Amplicaon
Communicaon Assistance (Script) Communicaon Assistance (Script) Communicaon Assistance (Script) Communicaon Assistance (Script)
Direcons Claried, Highlighng Tool, Headphones, Noise Buers, Redirect to the Test, and Extra White Paper are available to all students.
Large Print Large Print Large Print Large Print
Listening Device Listening Device Listening Device Listening Device
Color Overlay Color Overlay Color Overlay Color Overlay
Tacle Graphics Tacle Graphics Tacle Graphics Tacle Graphics
Text-to-Speech Text-to-Speech Text-to-Speech Text-to-Speech
Text-to-Speech (Except
Reading Comprehension
secons on the Eng III EOC)
Human Read Aloud Human Read Aloud Human Read Aloud Human Read Aloud
Human Read Aloud (Except
Reading Comprehension
secons on the Eng III EOC)
FM System FM System FM System FM System FM System
Hearing Device Hearing Device Hearing Device Hearing Device Hearing Device
Interpreter Interpreter Interpreter Interpreter Interpreter
Audio Amplicaon Audio Amplicaon Audio Amplicaon Audio Amplicaon Audio Amplicaon
Touch Screen Monitor Touch Screen Monitor Touch Screen Monitor Touch Screen Monitor Touch Screen Monitor
Communicaon Assistance
Communicaon Assistance
Communicaon Assistance
Communicaon Assistance
Communicaon Assistance
Direcons Claried, Highlighng Tool, Headphones, Noise Buers, Redirect to the Test, Change Background Font & Colors, Magnicaon, Blank Paper, and General Masking
are available to all students.
Listening Device Listening Device Listening Device Listening Device Listening Device
Tacle Graphics Tacle Graphics Tacle Graphics Tacle Graphics Tacle Graphics