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Royal Governors Change the Colony
Directions: After the trustee period, Georgia became a royal colony. e royal governors implemented many changes
in the way the colony was governed. Read pages 216-217 to understand some of the changes implemented by the
governors and summarize them in your own words.
1. List some of the specific powers given to the governor by the king. ________________________________________
2. How many men served on the Governor’s Council? _______________________________________________________
3. What roles did the Governor’s Council play? ______________________________________________________________
4. Which government body was elected? _________________________________________________________________
5. What roles did the Commons House of Assembly serve? __________________________________________________
6. What were the eligibility requirements for election to the Commons House of Assembly? _____________________
7. What were the requirements for voting? _______________________________________________________________
8. In your own words, summarize how this new involvement in colonial government must have changed Georgia.
Discussion Question: Under the trustees, Georgia colonists had little influence on the rules of the colony. As
you see in this reading, the royal governors opened the door for individual participation in government. How do you
think these changes may have actually played a role in the coming war for independence?
50 Chapter 10 Georgia in the Royal Period
Section 1 Government in Royal Georgia Lesson Review