Name: ______________________________________________Phone:___________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Information Requested: _________________________________________________________
Please note:
Public records covered by the Freedom of Information Act are open to inspection and
photocopying during business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please make your request known to the appropriate division and they will ensure that the
requested material is made available for your review within three (3) business days of the
request. There is a charge for standard copies, which is the actual cost of the copies. There
is no charge to review the files or documentation on site. Map copies are priced separately.
This form is NOT required for current items of business scheduled for public hearings or
meetings by any City commission, board, committee, or council. Those files are available
by contacting the appropriate City division. A list of current public meetings is available
from the City Clerk's office (575-8323).
Questions may be directed to Lisa Thurber, Director of Communications: 479-575-8330.
Thank you.
Request for Information Under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
For Administrative Use Only:
Date/Time Received ___________________________________ Received by ____________________________
Routed to ______________________________ (Division) Date Routed_________________________________