APPENDIX R—Change in Rank Application
Date Hired as F-T Faculty:
Degrees Awarded and Dates:
Select the Rank for which you are applying:
Date of current rank awarded:
Date of tenure or last range change awarded:
Per Article 11 of the CBA, five criteria must be met for rank change:
1) Minimum years of service and/or education qualifications
2) Satisfactory performance
3) Significant continuing contributions to the College, Discipline, and/or Community
4) Ongoing professional development
5) Peer recommendation
To apply for rank change, complete and submit this application, along with a portfolio of evidence to the
TPDC. See the current TPDC Handbook for more information.
The scoring guide to be used by the Tenure and Professional Development Committee is in the TPDC
Handbook. Do not include a copy with your application.
Guidelines for the Portfolio
The portfolio must be in a 1” – 2” three-ring binder with ONLY the required information
necessary for Rank Change.
The Change in Rank application should be the first artifact when preparing the portfolio.
Plastic sleeves are acceptable only if documents do not need to be removed in order to be
Tabs are required for separating each section—Professional Development, and two or more of
the following contributions: The College, the Discipline of the Community
All evidence must be dated after the last rank change was awarded.
The Professional Development section must include the Employee Faculty Training Record from
BANNER with any accomplishments highlighted. Mandatory professional development will not
be considered.
Order evidence in each section beginning with the most recent accomplishment.
This is a pragmatic process—no extraneous information will be considered and can hinder the
possibility of advancement.