Workshop Proposal Form
Page 1 of 2 (Final)
Rev 11/23/2015
This form is for EFSC Faculty/Staff proposing EFSC on-campus or online workshops only. Faculty
wishing to provide a record of attending a workshop should follow procedures set forth according
to the current CBA and/or TPDC Handbook.
Date Submitted to CTE:
Faculty of Record:
Additional Facilitators:
Contact Person:
Academic Discipline or Support Area:
Proposed Target Audience:
Proposed Workshop Title:
Workshop Abstract:
Proposed Dates/Times of Workshop/Campus/Online:
Participant Contact Hours: (1 contact hour = 50 mins of presentation)
Mode of Instruction(Check all that apply):
Face-to-face Online Other (specify): __________________________
Do you request this workshop be reviewed by the PDSC for applicability to Faculty Advancement
Requirements (Tenure/MCC/Rank Advancement)? Yes* No
If Yes, check all that apply Tenure MCC Rank Advancement
Proposed Competency-
Based Objectives:
As a result of the workshop the participants will be able to:
Attach additional pages if necessary. These are crucial to applications requesting Workshops fulfill Faculty
Advancement requirements of the participants.
Proposed Product
As a result of the workshop the participants will produce the following:
Attach additional pages if necessary. These are crucial to applications requesting Workshops fulfill Faculty
Advancement requirements of the participants.
Once completed, this form should be returned to the Center for Teaching Excellence via courier or
scanned and submitted to the CTE by email at cte@easternflorida.edu
Workshop Proposal Form
Page 2 of 2 (Final)
Rev 11/23/2015
Received by CTE:
______________________________ ________________________ _____________
Signature Print Name Date
PDSC Approval:
Date received from CTE ________
PDSC approve 2 weeks from date received from CTE _______
Approved for Faculty Advancement: Yes* No
If Yes, Check all that apply Tenure MCC Rank Advancement
If No, provide explanation below:
_____________________________ __________________________ __________
PDSC Chair Signature 󰜡 Print Name 󰜡󰜡󰜡 Date
*Request for approval of workshops or in-services activities offered by EFSC either online or on-campus to apply
towards faculty advancement (tenure, maintenance of continuing contract, and/or rank advancement) will be
submitted for a review. After initial review by the CTE:
(1) The original request form with associated documentation is sent to Professional Development
Standing Committee (PDSC) for review.
(2) PDSC indicates whether the activity is approved (or not) and forwards completed form back to CTE,
with a copy to TPDC.
(3) CTE sends the original, approved form to Human Resources training coordinator for posting on the
college’s training website, with the appropriate faculty advancement notation, and for appropriate
dispensation within HR
(4) CTE sends copies of approved forms to Requester
(5) Requester sends copies to Campus Provost.
(Unapproved request forms will be returned to CTE by the PDSC with explanation to the Requester)
click to sign
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click to sign
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