Professional Learning Activities Funds Request Form
This form is to be used by full time faculty seeking funding for professional development pursuant to Section 14.8 of the UFF CBA
2018-21. Return the digitally signed form to the Center for Teaching Excellence at cte@easternflorida.edu and copy your provost.
Date Submitted to CTE
Date(s) of Activity
Estimated cost
Faculty Requester
Name of Event or Academic Conference
Academic Discipline
Proposed Professional Learning Activity:
Explain how the professional development will benefit student and/or program performance; enhance teaching; increase
retention, completion, and/or placement; support industry certification, support the college’s mission statement, etc. Attach any
necessary supporting documents. Participation in an approved event must occur on/ before August 15
of the following year.
I understand that I will be required to share information obtained from the professional development opportunity with my
colleagues and the Center for Teaching Excellence.
Faculty Signature ________________________________________________________
Information disseminated via the following ways:
The following sections are to be completed by the appropriate committee chair/administration:
_____________________________ _________________________
TPDC Chair Signature Print Name
*If funding approved, it is the requestor’s responsibility to submit all required college documentation.
**Approval by the TPDC does not guarantee funding of this activity.
Estimated Cost Break-Down: (registration fees, mileage, airfare, hotel, etc.)
Faculty Workshop
CTE Blog PostStudent Workshop
Brown Bag Lunch Discussion
__________ _____________________________ _________________________
CTE Coordinator Signature Print Name
Approved Professional Learning Activity : Yes No
__________ _____________________________ _________________________
Provost Signature Print Name
Last time PLAF funds received:
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