MCB*6500/MCB*7500 Research Topics in Molecular & Cellular Biology
Research Proposal - Grading Form
Additional pages of comments may be attached, if necessary.
Semester: ______________ Please return to the Course Coordinator: _________________________
Student: ______________________________ Grader: __________________________________
A. Literature Review (50 points). Criteria: thorough coverage of the research field with appropriate citation of the
primary research literature, rather than dependence on review articles; critical analysis of past work in the field;
emphasis on current progress rather than historical developments; clear indication of the research problems and
delineation of specific objectives.
B. Research Proposal (30 points). Criteria: Development and clear statement of hypotheses; appropriate use of
experimental system(s); suitability of technical approaches; anticipated outcomes and potential obstacles.
C. Editorial quality (20 points). Criteria: Spelling; grammar; style; effective use of Tables and Figures; format. (It is
expected that the Proposal will benefit from the judicious use of tables and figures. Students are encouraged to include
some tables and figures that are original works, synthesizing relevant materials, rather than simply reproducing all of the
tables and figures from published sources.)
A: _____/50
B: _____/30
C: _____/20
Grade: _____/100
I have marked comments on the hard-copy proposal, which I will return to the Coordinator