Carroll Electric
Cooperative Corporation
The items checked below apply to your application for electric service.
Application for Service form (signed and returned).
Copy of Identication: Driver’s License, State ID Card, Passport, Military ID, or I-551 (immigrant
visa) is acceptable.
Membership Fee of $25.00 (refundable) must be paid (new members only).
Connect | Transfer of Service fee of $40.00 (non-refundable) must be paid.
Service Deposit of $230.00 (refundable with interest) must be paid. In lieu of cash deposit, you
may provide a letter of good credit rating for the previous 12 months from a former utility.
Social Security number must be on the application form.
The total to connect service is $295.00.
Please return all required documents to Carroll Electric Cooperative:
• by electronic submission to carrollecc.com/establishing-service
• by fax to 870-423-4815 (Ineligible documents may cause delay in application processing.)
• by mail to the appropriate ofce (if unsure, please call 1-800-432-9720)
Carroll Electric Coop.
PO Box 4000
920 Hwy 62 Spur
Berryville, AR 72616
Carroll Electric Coop.
PO Box 329
707 SE Walton Blvd
Bentonville, AR 72712
Carroll Electric Coop.
PO Box 280
5056 Hwy 412B
Huntsville, AR 72740
Carroll Electric Coop.
PO Box 389
511 E Court St
Jasper, AR 72641