Triple Crown 100
Jeanette Nelson
P.O. Box 1762
Milledgeville, GA
31059 478.456.7285
Fax 478.453.8448
Weanling $150 | Yearling $300 | 2 yr old $400 | 3 yr old $500 | 4/5 yr old $600 | 6yr & older $350
Progeny Enrollment Form
Foal Name_____________________________________Color________________Papers Pending
Sire_________________________ Dam _________________________ Dams Sire______________________
Registration #___________________________ DOB____________Stallion Gelding Mare
Owner________________________________________ SS# (required for payout)_______________________
er $350
Any foals by newly enrolled stallions can grandfather in the 1st year at a reduced rate:
New Stallion Progeny Enrollment $200
Progeny must be enrolled by December 31st. Copy of registration papers must be included.
By making a nomination to Triple Crown 100, LLC., Stallion Incentive Program, I hereby agree to abide by all rules,
conditions and ALL changes deemed necessary by Triple Crown 100 LLC. All parties (owners & riders) involved in the
Triple Crown 100 Stallion Incentive Program are responsible for the conditions and fully understand their content. Triple
Crown 100 assumes no liability to those who have not read the conditions.
Owners Signature___________________________________________________Date____________________
Amount Enclosed $__________________
Paid: Check#__________ Visa MC Discover AmEx (There will be a 5% credit card fee.)
Name On Card__________________________ Card #__________________________Exp______Code_____
Billing Address__________________________City___________________State________Zip_____________
Signature_______________________________ Amount $____________+ 5%__________Total $__________
Mail to: Triple Crown 100 - P.O. Box 1762, Milledgeville, GA 31059
478.456.7285 | Fax 478.453.8448 |
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