Cascadia College is an equal opportunity institution and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender and/or sex, disability,
national origin, citizenship status, age, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, or genetic information. All Cascadia materials are available in
alternative formats and can be requested by contacting the Human Resources office.
VA 112719
I, _, a student at Cascadia College, am aware of the following:
I, _, a parent/guardian of an underage Cascadia student am aware of
the following regarding my son/daughter’s responsibility and education as a college student:
1. As a public, state institution of higher education in pursuit of academic excellence and the
advancement of intellectual discourse, Cascadia welcomes the expression of diverse and
opposing views and opinions that challenge and foster the expansion of student minds, often
pushing the boundaries of comfort. This adult environment includes diverse and potentially
irreconcilable viewpoints expressed through language, course readings and material both in and
out of the classroom.
2. As with all students, instructors are not required to substitute assignments if the student chooses
not to complete them. Students are encouraged to review previous course syllabi on file in the
Student Learning office before deciding to enroll in a course.
3. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), instructors are not
required to notify parents/guardians when a student is failing or not attending a class. It will be
the responsibility of the student to communicate any concern with their instructor.
4. Students are responsible for arranging their college schedule so it does not conflict with their
high school schedule. College courses are offered in four 11-week quarters beginning in
September (fall), January (winter), March/April (spring) and July (summer).
5. Students are responsible for the following:
a. Tuition costs, books, supplies and fees
b. Appropriate behavior as outlined in the Student Handbook
c. Registration Information and Documentation
d. Attendance, homework and communication with instructors
e. Transportation
f. Sending copies of official transcripts to their high school
g. Registering each quarter with an advisor
Student Signature Date: __________________
Parent Signature Date: ___________________
Parent/Student Release Form
for Underage Student