Rev (7/11/19)
Butte College Professional Development 2019 - 2020
Partnership Program Information
An opportunity to share ideas
Partnerships offer faculty, classified and management staff the opportunity to share ideas on classroom teaching (above
contractual obligation) and the work environment, and to improve skills, enhance knowledge, explore issues, and increase
Partnership Program Step 1 – Forming the Partnership
Please print clearly Copy and return this form to Professional Development Office Now. See info above.
Your Name _______________________________________ This Partnership is for _____ Fall or _____ Spring.
Department/Workplace: ___________________________ Phone ________________ E-mail ____________________
Participant Name(s): _____________________________________________________________________________
Purpose of the Partnership: __________________________________________________________________________
❏Flex ❏ Stipend - $65.00 Date Requested: ___/___/______
Date received in PDO ___/___/______ Approved:
IMPORTANT! Pre-approval required. Copy and return this front page to the Professional
Development office (LB 210) now, before the beginning of the Partnership.
Classified and management staff and student development faculty may participate in two partnerships per
academic year.
Associate faculty may earn a minimum of three and up to ten hours of Flex credit per partnership, or once
each semester they may earn $65 for a partnership (if funds are available).
Full-time faculty receive a minimum of three and up to ten hours Flex credit per partnership with no maximum
number of partnerships for the year (limit of 36 hours/50% of Flex obligation per Flex Committee). Full-time
Faculty are not eligible to receive a stipend.
Pro Dev pre–approval required. $65 stipends are limited to a fund cap of $2,000 for the 2019 - 20 academic year.
First priority for stipends will go to applicants who have not had a stipend within the past 12 months. Requests for
stipends will be considered at the beginning of the semester for which the stipend is requested.
A partnership group with 2-5 members can be created. Partnerships may be formed between any combination of
faculty, classified and management staff members.
All members of a Partnership group must be present for group sessions to fulfill the requirements of the
A minimum of three hours of partnership sessions are required and the sessions cannot take place in one
three-hour block.
A record of these meetings must be kept by all participants.
If you are an applicant wishing to receive the stipend, please call or email Professional Development to obtain
confirmation that the $2,000 Partnership Program fund cap has not yet been reached. Once the cap is reached, no
cash stipends will be available.
Professional Development
(530) 895-2543
How to form a partnership:
Step One–The first step establishes the partnership and informs the Professional Development Office of its existence.
Step Two–“Tracking the Partnership”, keeps an ongoing record of the meeting dates, time spent, and the content and
value of the discussions. Each partner must complete and sign this form.