Butte College Professional Development 2019 - 20
___ #2000 Individual Activity Contract (IAC)
___ #4000 Travel & Conference
Rev (7-1-19) Butte College Professional Development • 530-895-2543 • email to wardte@butte.edu
Section II: Reporting
Please attach conference information or supporting documentation for IAC on
attached sheets. Flex forms submitted without supporting documentation will not be approved
and will be referred to the Flex Committee and Dean.
• Associate Faculty must submit a completed Associate Faculty Flex Payment Form along with this document to
Professional Development (LB 210) in order to facilitate process of payment.
IAC Flex Hours requested: ___________ Please attach dates, times, and a description of each activity
completed for IAC credit and answer the questions below.
o Book discussion groups or individual readings: attach a list of all books read, members of discussion group, and a
brief summary of main points for each book read.
o Independent learning activities: provide date, time, location and a brief description of each independent learning
o If you have questions or need additional examples contact the Professional development Coordinator.
Maximum Combined IAC Travel & Conference hours: Recommended 50% up to 75% of your total Flex commitment.
Conference Flex Hours requested: ________ Please attach conference information and answer the questions
Examples: Dates, times, locations of conference; printout of web pages with workshops circled; copies of workshop or
conference registration, etc.
Remember you may count conference hours for Flex with the exception of time you would have been in class or held office
Maximum Combined IAC Travel & Conference hours: Recommended 50% up to 75% of your total Flex commitment.
For both Travel and IAC: please answer each question below. Submit your answers as an attachment.
What professional growth/benefits have you derived from attending this conference? (Examples: updated
skills in a subject, new insights, shared knowledge with colleagues from other campuses, new ideas for teaching
strategies, better understanding of universal design, etc.)
How do you plan to incorporate these benefits to impact: staff, student or instructional improvement?
(Examples: will update curriculum to include XXX; implement new teaching strategies such as XXX )
It is always recommended to share what you have learned upon your return. Please report how you have
shared or are scheduled to share what you have learned (Examples: offer a Flex workshop, shared with
others in Department on [date], create a handbook for other faculty, etc.
Any other outcomes of your travel, conference, or IAC that enhanced your professional growth that you
would like to include.
Signature_________________________________________ Date_____________________________
Professional Development Coordinator __________________________ Date __________ Hours ________