Butte College
Financial Guarantee & Current Bank Statement ______________
Bank statements that are older than 3 months are not acceptable. Please type in your information, print, sign, and submit.
APPLICANT NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________
Last Name (Family) First Name (Given) Middle Name
The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement requires students to prove that they can afford to study in the U.S.
For admission purposes, all students must show that they, or their sponsor, have immediate access to at least $19,000 USD
to secure their first year of education. Students applying from Nigeria, Cameroon, or Ghana are required to mail original
bank statements directly from the bank to our office. The documents can be mailed to the address below:
Butte Community College
Attn: International Admissions
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965
Estimated Costs for One Academic Year:
$ 7,728
$ 8,782
$ 800
$ 470
Enrollment and Service Fees
Unit= full time equivalence
Room and Board
Books and Supplies
Personal Needs
$ 1,220
$ 19,000
Source(s) of Funding:
Please show the amount of funds available to you in each category. Please report amounts in U.S. Dollars. If
you have multiple sponsors please have each sponsor complete this form.
From Parents $
From Own Savings $
From Sponsor (relative or other) $
From Government (letter required) $
Parent or Financial Sponsor Information only: (To be completed by sponsor)
Name: Relationship to applicant:
Phone: Email:
Number and Street
City State/ Province
Country ZIP/ postal code
Sponsor Certification
I certify that all statements on this form are true and complete.
________________________________________ ________________________________
Sponsor Signature Date (month/ day/ year)