Parish On-site Religious Education and/or Youth Ministry Plan
Please complete the following and return to your regional director of catechesis or youth ministry prior
to the start of the program. This form is a PDF form that can be filled out on your computer and
printed to be signed.
Parish Name:
Phone Number:
Coordinator/Director of Religious Education or Youth Ministry:
Phone Number:
This Plan is For:
q Religious Education
q Youth Ministry
Facility or Facilities Used for Religious Education or Youth Ministry:
Cleaning and Disinfecting Plan
Name and position of person responsible for cleaning and disinfecting:
How will this person be trained?
How often will cleaning be done?
Describe the cleaning process:
How will communication be facilitated between director/coordinator and cleaning staff?
Organization of Facility
Location of entrance(s):
Location of exit(s):
Where will signage be placed?
Rooms used for sessions:
Are they well-ventilated?
Types of furniture that will be used:
Number of hall and/or bathroom monitors:
How will you ensure six-foot social distancing?
Locations of hand-sanitizers:
Location of Guardian Angel room/space:
Communication with Parents/Guardians
How will you communicate with the parents/guardians prior to your program?
How many screening volunteers will you need?
Location of the screening process occur:
How will the screening process occur?
If you have young people who arrive without a parent (e.g., on buses, carpools or alone), how will you help
them through the screening process?
How and where will the screening log be kept?
In the Event of an Illness
Procedure used if someone does not pass the screening:
Procedure used if someone gets ill during a session:
Methods used to ensure privacy:
Youth Ministry Only
Will you be using small groups?
If so, how will you ensure six-foot social distancing?
Describe your dismissal procedure, including how the children will be dismissed into the care of their parent
or the person designated by the parent to pick them up:
Larger Gatherings
Will you be having larger gatherings?
If so, where?
How will you ensure six-foot social distancing?
How will you do the screening process (temperature taking and required questions)?
Additional Considerations
How will you remind young people and adults of healthy COVID-19 guidelines?
How will you educate your volunteers on COVID-19 symptoms and protocols?
q By signing and submitting this worksheet, I am stating that the parish can fulll all the responsibilities
outlined in Safe and Sound: Guidelines and Procedures for Holding On-site Parish Religious Education
and Youth Ministry Programs.
q I have read and understand the procedures and guidelines outlined in Safe and Sound: Guidelines and
Procedures for Holding On-site Parish Religious Education and Youth Ministry Programs. As pastor
I recognize that it is my responsibility to ensure all protocols are being followed to ensure the well-
being of our young people and adults and that my staff and/or volunteers are trained to implement the
protocols well.
Plan submitted by:
Pastor Name:
Signature: Date:
Pastor can do the digital signature or print and sign
click to sign
click to edit