Describe your dismissal procedure, including how the children will be dismissed into the care of their parent
or the person designated by the parent to pick them up:
Larger Gatherings
Will you be having larger gatherings?
If so, where?
How will you ensure six-foot social distancing?
How will you do the screening process (temperature taking and required questions)?
Additional Considerations
How will you remind young people and adults of healthy COVID-19 guidelines?
How will you educate your volunteers on COVID-19 symptoms and protocols?
q By signing and submitting this worksheet, I am stating that the parish can fulll all the responsibilities
outlined in Safe and Sound: Guidelines and Procedures for Holding On-site Parish Religious Education
and Youth Ministry Programs.
q I have read and understand the procedures and guidelines outlined in Safe and Sound: Guidelines and
Procedures for Holding On-site Parish Religious Education and Youth Ministry Programs. As pastor
I recognize that it is my responsibility to ensure all protocols are being followed to ensure the well-
being of our young people and adults and that my staff and/or volunteers are trained to implement the
protocols well.
Plan submitted by:
Pastor Name:
Signature: Date:
Pastor can do the digital signature or print and sign
click to sign
click to edit