7-Day Notice of Termination of Lease
Dear __________________ [name of tenant]
You are hereby notified that you have breached your rental agreement with
_________________________ [name of landlord] for
_________________________ [description or address of premises] by
[nature of breach]
Choose Type
- Right to Cure - Unless you first adequately remedy the above referenced
breach, the rental agreement will terminate 7 days from today’s date on
__________________ [date].
- No Right to Cure - Agreement terminates 7 days from today’s date on
__________________ [date].
If the rental agreement terminates, you are requested to deliver up possession of
the above-described premises immediately.
Landlord’s Signature
Landlord’s Printed Name
Instructions: Serve a copy of this notice on the tenant. Immediately fill out the
following to describe how service was accomplished. Complete all that apply.
Keep the completed original for use in filling the Complaint.
- Tenant acknowledges receipt of this notice on _______________________.
Tenant’s Signature _______________________
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- This notice was personally served on ____________________________ by
the undersigned on the date of ______________.
- I attempted to make personal service on the tenants named above. I knocked
on the door of the premises named above, but no one answered. I believed
tenants were absent, so I securely affixed this Notice to the entry door of the
above premises. This was done on the date of _____________________.
- Tenants were served by registered or certified mail. (The return receipt will be
retained for use in court.)
- I know that Tenants are aware of this Notice, because I discussed this Notice
with ______________________ on ______________________.
Date: __________________ Signature:_________________________________
Print Name:_________________________________
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