12. HowmanyheadinglevelsdoesatypicalAPAStylepapercontain?(CG § 1.26, PM § 2.27)
Two or three heading levels
13. Which
headinglevelsarewritteninbold?Whichheadinglevelsarewritteninbolditalic?(CG §
1.26, PM § 2.27)
• All heading levels are written in bold (Levels 1, 2, and 4 are only bold).
• Levels 3 and 5 are written in bold italic.
WhatshouldyouwriteontherstlineontherstpageoftextinallAPAStylepapers?(CG §
1.26, PM § 2.27)
Paper title
15. What
(CG § 5.1, PM § 6.11)
Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary (https://www.merriam-webster.com) and APA Dictionary of
Psychology (https://dictionary.apa.org)
16. What
paper?(CG § 4.15, PM § 6.22)
• Key words or phrases, often accompanied by a denition
• Words or phrases from another language and not in the dictionary for the language in which you
are writing
17. Titles
forwhatkindsofworksareitalicizedinAPAStylereferencelists?(CG § 4.15, PM § 6.22)
• Stand-alone works (books, reports, lms, songs, webpages, etc.)
• Periodical titles (journals, magazines, newspapers, blogs, etc.)
18. APA
atleastthreeexamples.(CG §§ 5.3–5.11, PM §§ 6.13–6.21)
• The rst word in a complete sentence
• The rst word after a colon in a sentence, if what follows the colon is a complete sentence
• Proper nouns and proper adjectives
• Names of racial and ethnic groups
• Names of specic university departments, academic institutions, and academic courses
• Trade names and brand names
• Job titles or positions that precede a name
• Personal names that appear in the names of diseases, disorders, therapies, treatments, theories,
concepts, hypotheses, principles, models, and statistical procedures
• Titles of works and headings within works and their subtitles