City of Hayward
Paratransit Program Medical Statement Form
Dear Physician:
The person named below would like to participate in the City of Hayward Paratransit Program. This is a transportation
service designed for those unable to utilize other public transit services. In order for the application to be complete, a
medical certification form describing the person’s functional transportation limitations is required. All information
provided below is confidential and is used for the sole purpose of establishing eligibility for the City of Hayward
Paratransit Program. Please help us to determine the certification status of this individual by providing the information
Applicant’s Name_____________________________________________________________
Med. Ins. Coverage_________________________________ Med Ins. #_________________
Please check all of the items below which apply to this applicant
I. Because of a medical and/or disabling condition, the above named person is unable to :
A. Get to a fixed route or wheelchair lift equipped transit service (ex: bus, BART).
B. Board from a standard public transit vehicle (ex: bus, BART).
C. Wait for, or stand in, a moving transit vehicle (ex: bus, BART).
D. See, read and/or comprehend information signs, schedules, maps, etc.
E. Hear and/or comprehend verbal information given by a public transit personnel.
F. Get to, in and out of a taxi vehicle without assistance.
G. Use regular public transportation services because: ________________________________
H. Drive an automobile. When will the applicant be able to drive again? (date)_______________
I. Use East Bay Paratransit services because: _____________________________________
II. Nature of applicant’s condition:
A. Diagnosis:
Is this applicant’s condition: Permanent? _____ Temporary? _____
If temporary, for how long?
B. Does the above named applicant use a wheelchair? YES ______ NO ______
C. Does the person use other assistive devices to ambulate or mobilize? (Describe)
D. Are paratransit services needed by the above named person to obtain a life sustaining treatment?
(ex: dialysis, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc.) YES ______ NO ______
E. If doctor’s visits are required: How often? ______________ Until when? (date) ___________
F. If therapy is required: How often? ______________ Until when? (date) ___________
III. Physician’s Statement:
I hereby state that the information provided above is correct. Date_________________
Physician’s Name: Print ___________________________ Signature
Address: Phone # Fax # _______________
RETURN TO: City of Hayward, Paratransit Program
777 B Street, Hayward CA 94541
Tel: (510) 583-4230 Fax: (510) 583-3650
City of Hayward, Paratransit Program
777 B Street, Hayward CA 94541
Tel: (510) 583-4230 Fax: (510) 583-3650