Louis Andersen
County Manager
Planning Division
31 North Pinal Street, Building F, PO Box 2973, Florence, AZ 85132 T 520-866-6442 FREE 888-431-1311 F 520-866-6530
A. File an application and all required supporting documentation for a rezone without a PAD Overlay.
Please use the attached application forms.
B. Submit one copy of the application and all supporting documents and one digital copy on a jump drive
or CD.***
C. An application checklist is located at the end of this application
D. Attend a Pre-Application meeting with the Planning Department and affected County agencies.
Submit the following fees made payable to Pinal County in accordance with Section [2.176.230(E)] of the
A. Pre-Application Meeting = $490.00
** Pre-Application meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Complete applications
must be received 14 working days prior to the desired meeting date to be scheduled for that day.
*** Your application can also be submitted digitally via email or FTP or online portal site please call or email
the Planning Division for more information.
Louis Andersen
County Manager
Planning Division
31 North Pinal Street, Building F, PO Box 2973, Florence, AZ 85132 T 520-866-6442 FREE 888-431-1311 F 520-866-6530
(All Applications Must Be Typed or Written in Ink)
Formal PAD Application & Property Information:
(feel free to include answers and to these questions in a Supplementary Narrative, when doing so write see narrative on the space
Pinal County Staff Coordinator:
Date of Pre-application Review: / / Pre-Application Review No.: Z-PA- -
Current Zoning (Please provide Acreage Breakdown):
Requested Zoning (Please provide Acreage Breakdown):
Parcel Size(s):
The existing use of the property is as follows:
The exact use proposed under this request:
What is the Comprehensive Plan Designation for the subject property:
Is the property located within three (3) miles of an incorporated community? YES NO
Is an annexation into a municipality currently in progress? YES NO
Is there a zoning violation on the property for which the owner has been cited? YES NO
If yes, zoning violation #
Is this a major PAD Amendment request (no zone accompanying change)? YES NO If yes what was
the previous PAD case number PZ-PD-
Discuss any recent changes in the area that would support your application i.e.: zone change(s), subdivision
approval, Planned Area Development (PAD), utility or street improvements, adopted comprehensive/area plan(s)
or similar changes.
Explain why the proposed development is needed and necessary at this time.
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(Required for filing all applications)
Instructions: Print Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code and Tax Parcel Number for each property owner within 600/
1,200 (circle one) feet of the subject parcel boundary. Feel free to attach a separate list if generated digitally. Please see
“How to use the Buffer Tool” on our FAQ’s page if you are generating the list.
Parcel No.: Parcel No.:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City/ST/Zip: City/ST/Zip: ______
Parcel No.: Parcel No.:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City/ST/Zip: City/ST/Zip:
Parcel No.: Parcel No.:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City/ST/Zip: City/ST/Zip:
Parcel No.: Parcel No.:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City/ST/Zip: City/ST/Zip:
Parcel No.: Parcel No.:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City/ST/Zip: City/ST/Zip:
I hereby verify that the name list above was obtained on the day of , 20 , at the office of
and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
(Source of Information)
On this day of , 20 , before me personally appeared
(Name of signor)
Signature Date
State of
)ss. (SEAL)
County of
My Commission Expires____________
Signature of Notary Public
Ver 10/19 Page | 3
I certify the information included in this application is accurate, to the best of my knowledge. I have read the
application and I have included the information, as requested. I understand if the information submitted is
incomplete, this application cannot be processed. All notices will be sent to the applicant unless otherwise directed in
Name of Applicant Address
Signature of Applicant E-Mail Address Phone Number
Name of Agent/Representative Address
Signature of Agent/Representative E-Mail Address Phone Number
The Agent/Representative has the authority to act on behalf of the landowner/applicant, which includes agreeing to
stipulations. The agent will be the contact person for Planning staff and must be present at all hearings. Please use
attached Agency Authorization form, if applicable.
Name of Landowner Address
Signature of Landowner E-Mail Address Phone Number
If landowner is not the applicant, then applicant must submit a signed notarized consent form from the landowner
with this application. Please use attached Consent to Permit form, if applicable.
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
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(To be completed by all landowners who do not represent themselves. Instructions for completing required information are in bold
and brackets below lines. If applicant is a company, corporation, partnership, joint venture, trustee, etc., please use the corporate
signature block and have the notary fill in the notarization section for corporations not individuals and cannot
be submitted digitally)
TO: Pinal County Community Development
P.O. Box 2973
Florence, AZ 85232
[Insert Name -- If a Corporation, Partnership or Association, Include State of Incorporation]
Hereinafter referred to as “Owner,” is/are the owner(s) of __________________________acres located at
___________________________________________________________________, and further identified
[Insert Address of Property]
As assessor parcel number _____________________________________and legally described as follows:
[Insert Parcel Number]
Insert Legal Description Here OR Attach as Exhibit A
Said property is hereinafter referred to as the “Property.”
Owner hereby appoints __________________________________________________________________
[Insert Agent’s Name. If the Agent Is a Company, Insert Company Name Only]
Hereinafter referred to as “Agent,” to act on Owner’s behalf in relation to the Property in obtaining approval
from Pinal County for a minor land division and to file applications and make the necessary submittals for such
[Individual PROPERTY OWNER signature block and acknowledgment.
[Signature] [Signature]
[Address] [Address]
Dated: _____________ Dated:
STATE OF____________________________)
) ss. (SEAL)
COUNTY OF__________________________)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this day of _________, 20
by _________
My Commission Expires____________
________________________ __________________________________________
Printed Name of Notary Signature of Notary
Ver 10/19 Page | 5
The appropriate corporate officer or trustee signs this signature block NOT the block on the previous page
[Insert Company’s or Trust’s Name]
By: __________________________________________________
[Signature of Authorized Officer, or Trustee]
Its: __________________________________________________
[Insert Title]
STATE OF______________________)
) ss.
COUNTY OF____________________)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this___________ day of _____________, 20____ by
__________________________________,______ ____________________________________________
[Insert Signor’s Name] [Insert Title]
___________________________________, _________________________________________________an,
[Name of Company or Trust] [Insert State of Incorporation, if applicable]
And who being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of said entity for the
purposes stated therein.
My Commission Expires: ___________________
________________________________________ ______________________________________
Printed Name of Notary Signature of Notary
ALTERNATE: Use the following acknowledgment only when a second company is signing
On behalf of the owner:
STATE OF_________________)
) ss. (Seal)
COUNTY OF_______________)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this_______ day of ______________, 20____ by
_________________________________________, who acknowledges himself/herself to be
[Insert Signor’s Name]
____________________________________________, of _____________________________________
[Title of Office Held] [Second Company]
As _____________________________________ for ________________________________, and who being
[i.e. member, manager, etc.] [Owner’s Name]
Authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of said entities for the purposes stated
My Commission Expires_________________
_____________________ _________________________________
Printed Name of Notary Signature of Notary
click to sign
click to edit
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Application Checklist:
A. Check the appropriate item:
This PAD is being submitted without a zone change request
This PAD is being submitted in conjunction with a zone change request.
The applicant must complete a zone change application. (Please utilize the “PAD Book
and the “Site Plan” of the PAD application to fulfill the Zoning Application “Narrative” and “Site
Plan” in lieu of while having separate copies for each application).
B. Hold a Neighborhood/Community Meeting:
1. Notify all property owners within 1200’ (feet)
2. Hold the meeting within five (5) miles of the subject property
3. Hold the meeting between 5:00 pm 9:00 pm
4. Include with the application the following:
Copy of Notice of Neighborhood/Community Meeting
List of property owners notified - (Use page 2 of this application)
Minutes of the meeting
Attendance sign-in sheet with names & addresses
C. Submit a completed “Agency Authorization” form (if applicable, Use page 4 of this application).
D. Submit a “PAD Book(written narrative) concerning the proposed development to include the following
sections Refer to Chapter 2.176.240 (B) of the PCDSC for further clarification (NOTE: Please No Spiral
1. Title Page
2. Purpose of Request
3. Description of Proposal
Nature of the Project
Proposed Land Uses
Building Types & Densities
Conformance to adopted Land Use Plans
Circulation and Recreation Systems
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4. Relationship to surrounding properties within one mile
5. Schools
6. Public Services/Community Services and how will the need for these services be addressed
8. Location & Accessibility
9. Compliance with RSRSM, Access Management Manual, October 2008
10. Utilities & Services
11. Ownership & Control – [See Section 2.176.240 (B)11]
12. Timing of Development (Phasing Schedule)
13. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan
14. Recreational Amenities
15. Fences, Walls & Screening
16. Total number of dwelling units
17. Maximum Residential Density of each planning unit
18. Total number of parking spaces for recreational facilities
19. Type of landscaping
20. Preliminary hydrologic data and a statement on drainage
21. Additional Information for Commercial & Industrial Uses (if applicable):
Total Area in acres proposed (Commercial & Industrial Separated)
Approximate retail sales floor area (Commercial)
The uses proposed uses based on permitted uses in the base zone.
The standards of height, open space, buffering, landscaping, pedestrian and vehicle
circulation, off-street parking and loading, signs, outdoor lighting, and nuisance controls
intended for the development.
22. Tables:
o Land Use Table(s) to include the following:
Total Acreage of the site
Total Area of arterial & collector streets
Total Area & Percent of Open Space
Total Number of each type of dwelling unit
Total Number of all dwelling units proposed including the range and mixture of lot sizes
within each base zone
The Overall proposed Density
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o Amended Development Standards Table comparing proposed and current zoning code standards
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Building Setbacks
Maximum Building Height
Minimum Distance between main & detached accessory buildings
Buildable Area
o Amended Use Tables:
Permitted Uses
Non-Permitted Uses
o Utilities & Services Table of type and source:
Solid Waste Disposal
24. Appendix, as applicable (Cultural Biological/environmental studies, or other items)
E. Submit a map that shows the relationship to surrounding properties within one
mile of the project
boundaries. The map shall be drawn at a sufficient scale so as to not exceed a print size larger than 11” X
17”. The lettering shall be of sufficient size to be legible when reduced to an 8½” X 11” print. The map shall
contain the following information:
Zoning Boundaries
Street Alignment
Open Space
F. Submit a current preliminary Title Report (dated within 60 days prior to application)
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G. Submit a Development Plan. The submittal shall be drawn at a sufficient scale
as to not exceed a print size
larger than 24” X 36” with 11” X 17” reductions to be included in the PAD Overlay District Application
where the lettering is of sufficient size to be readable. The Development Plan shall include:
1. Site Plan:
Title of project as shown in the narrative report, such as “Planned Area Development for
(insert name of Development)” in bold letters.
Name(s) of Landowner(s), Developer, Applicant, and Person or Firm preparing the plan.
North Arrow, Scales (written & graphic), Preparation Date & Subsequent Revision Dates.
Vicinity Map showing project, surrounding development and applicable zoning districts
(scale no less than 1” = 2,000’)
Existing Zone designation & requested zone change (as applicable)
Legal Description of total site
Boundaries of the proposed PAD Overlay Zoning District delineated and dimensioned by
bearing and distance.
All existing and proposed public and/or private streets, location and width of associated
easements and rights-of-way and whether they will remain or be extinguished.
Location & Identification of all existing and proposed utilities, location and width of
associated easements.
Location of all existing structures and significant natural features.
Nearest regional significant routes to proposed development as projected in RSRSM Final
Report, December 2008.
All points of ingress and egress.
Parking Areas.
Identify & Delineate existing and/or proposed trails as shown on the Pinal County trails
system master plan.
Indicate and/or label (as applicable):
Areas to be reserved for residential, commercial, industrial, open
space, public use,
facilities, drainage, and recreation.
Who will own, control and maintain the landscaping, recreational facilities, open
areas, refuse disposal, streets, private utility systems.
Topography with a maximum contour interval of two feet except where existing
ground is on a slope of less than two percent, then either one foot contours or spot
elevation shall be provided where necessary.
Phase Lines (as applicable).
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Provide lot typical (typical should show building envelope, setbacks, lot dimensions and
fences/walls) for:
Each type of dwelling unit
Lots in unusual locations (i.e. Cul-de-sacs, corners, hillside lots where clustering will
Indicate by notes the existing drainage pattern and proposed drainage plans for handling
on-site and off-site storm water runoff
Indicate location, type, height, and materials for proposed walls, fences, and signs.
Location and types of existing and proposed landscaping.
Designated Flood Zone
2. Quantitative Development Data Tables
Land Use table to include:
Total Gross Acreage of site
Total Area of Streets (Public & Private)
Total Area of Public Open Space
Total Net Area of all intended uses
Total Areas of Open Space for PAD Residents, and total Recreation Area Open Space
Total Dwelling Units permitted under base zoning district
Total number of each dwelling type including range and mixture of lot sizes within
each base zone
Grand Total of Dwelling Units
Overall Density proposed
Zoning Comparison Table of Existing & Proposed to include:
Lot area per dwelling unit
Minimum Lot Widths
Maximum Building Heights
Parking (number of spaces)
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Utility & Services Table indicating type and source:
Solid Waste Disposal
Street Type Table indicating proposed rights-of-way and pavement widths for arterials,
collectors, and neighborhood streets.
3. Submit an Open Space & Recreation Plan (“OSRP”) that includes Refer to
Chapter 2.176
Reviewed the Pinal County Open Space & Recreational Area Guideline
Site Analysis
Aerial Photo
Preferred scale of 1”=50’ (maximum scale of 1”=100’)
Site Analysis should be produced in an 8½” X 11” format for text
Site Analysis should be produced in an 24” X 36” format for plans* (coordinate this
requirement with your case coordinator)
Total acreage of proposed development
Context Map showing the proximity and relationship to the County’s trails, parks, or schools
and connectivity to the adjacent neighborhoods, off-site trails, paths, bikeways, and transit
A concept drawing of the proposed development including:
Gross Site Area
Number of proposed lots
Proposed Arterial & Collector street circulation system
Proposed lot size(s),
Proposed Retention/detention areas
Proposed Development Phasing
Context Map showing the proximity and relationship to the County’s trails, parks, or schools
and connectivity to the adjacent neighborhoods, off-site trails, paths, bikeways, and transit
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A concept drawing of the proposed development including:
Gross Site Area
Number of proposed lots
Proposed Arterial & Collector street circulation system
Proposed lot size(s),
Proposed Retention/detention areas
Proposed Development Phasing
A pedestrian circulation system
A Slope Analysis identifying the following slope categories:
1) 0% - 5%
2) 5% - 10%
3) 10% and greater
Identification of wash corridors and preliminary hydrologic information for the contributing
Identification of the location of riparian vegetation and biological habitats. Aerial photos
should be used to map the limits of notable vegetation.
Identification of potential view corridors
Identification of the projected 100-year floodplain and floodway boundary as required by
A record check through Arizona State Museum (“ASM”) for archeological sites and
identification of any sites or surveys
The location and percentage of each proposed development to be preserved as
conservation open space and the features to be protected including parcel size and
minimum dimensions
The location and percentage of each proposed development to be preserved as developed
open space and the specific Recreation Areas, including amenities, parcel size and minimum
4. Submit a Landscape Plan that includes Refer to Chapter 2.176.240 (C) of the
A Vegetation Salvage Plan
Proposed treatment of all ground surfaces (paving, turf, gravel, grading, etc.)
Extent and location of all plant materials and other landscape features.
Extent of decorative design elements such as fountains, pools, benches, sculptures,
planters, and similar elements.
Location of Water Outlets.
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Reviewed, Met, and/or addressed the following in Chapter 2.176 of the PCDSC:
Minimum requirements for Open Space (Section 130)
Uses permitted within open space areas (Section 140)
Uses prohibited within open space areas (Section 150)
Minimum requirements for recreation areas (Section 160)
Minimum requirements for multi-use paths and trails (Section 170)
Minimum requirements for storm water retention & detention basins (Section 180)
Minimum requirements for streetscapes & entryways (Section 190)
Minimum requirements for conservation open space (Section 200)
Submit a Master Sign Plan detailing the location and type of all proposed
signage for the project.
(signage must be approved under separate permit, the PAD document cannot alter development
standards for signs)
Submit a Preliminary Drainage Report*
Submit a Preliminary Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA)* (Your TIA must be approved prior to
scheduling of your Public Hearing)
Submit a copy of a certified A.L.T.A. survey, including a legal description of the PAD boundary and
legal descriptions of all zoning district boundaries
Aware that earth fissure maps are available online from the Arizona State Geologic Survey.
Submit a list of all property owners within 600’ (feet) of the subject property
boundary showing
name, mailing address and tax parcel numbers. This list must be obtained within 30 days prior to
application submission. A map showing the 600’ boundary and parcels must be included as well (A
Tax Assessor Parcel Map is Acceptable). - (This list is a separate list from the
“Neighborhood/Community Meeting list of 1,200’ however use Page 5 of this application).
Submit separate preliminary reports or master plans for:
Storm water drainage
Domestic water service.
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Submit additional materials required for specific types of commercial and
industrial uses as follows
(as applicable):
Commercial Uses:
Retail sales floor area and total area proposed for commercial development
Type of uses proposed
Industrial Uses
Total Area proposed for industrial uses
Types of uses proposed
Anticipated employment for development per major phases
Standards of:
Open Space
Pedestrian & Vehicular circulation
off-street parking & Loading (the PAD document cannot alter minimum
requirements for parking)
Signs (the PAD document cannot alter the maximum amount of signage)
Nuisance Controls
Complete and Submit the “Comprehensive Plan Compliance Checklist”
Non-Refundable filing fee for a Planned Area Development & Non-Refundable Public Works Fees
Submit one (1) hard copy of all documentation outlined in the PAD application
and one (1) digital
copy in a multi-PDF format per item of the application with all supporting documentation on one (1)
**Your application can also be submitted digitally via email or FTP site please call or email
the Planning Division for more information.
Submit one (1) CD which contains:
An ESRI shapefile for land use (conceptual) which shows all proposed zoning lines
and zoning classifications for the project in
NAD_1983_stateplan_arizona_central_fips_0202_intlfeet projection
An AutoCAD (.dwg file), which includes the following layers:
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Section Lines
Street names
Distances & Bearings tied by course and distance to two Pinal County survey
control points or established city or county survey monuments.
(Information on these control points can be obtained from Public Works,
Engineering Technicians at 520-866-6411).
Aware to Install Broadcast Notification Sign(s) on the site in conformance with the
information shown in this application. (See page 16 of this application for illustrative
Aware that all newspaper advertising fees must be paid by the applicant in addition to
application fees.
Aware that all public works fees are due at application submittal and for each subsequent
Aware that on property owner notifications that exceed 500 mail outs the applicant will be
responsible for notice prep and postage
Aware that this application will be submitted to AZGF Department for review and analysis
with the ERT online review tool for Habitat and Riparian area identification.
Signature at the end of the Checklist” stating you have reviewed and
addressed all areas
within it.
I certify that I have submitted all the required information listed above, and I understand that this application for a
Planned Area Development cannot be processed until all required information is submitted
Signature Date
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Pinal County Broadcast Notification Signs:
Zoning, Planned Area Developments, Special Use Permits & Industrial Use Permits
Site Posting Requirements
Broadcast signs shall be installed and removed by the applicant
Broadcast signs shall be installed 28 days before the Planning Commission hearing
Broadcast signs shall remain in place until the Board of Supervisors has made a decision on the
Broadcast signs shall be removed no later than 30 days after the Board of Supervisors has made a
decision on the case
Broadcast signs shall be placed adjacent to each road that borders the property, or as determined by
the Planning Manager
Broadcast signs can contain more than one case
Regular signs, if needed, will be posted by County staff
Text on the sign shall meet the specifications shown on page 2 of this document
Broadcast sign specifications:
4 Feet Tall by 8 Feet Wide
Top of the sign shall be 6 feet above the ground
Laminated plywood or MDO board
Attached to 2 4” by 4” wooden poles
All surfaces, including edges shall be painted Yellow
Black letters shall be used and shall be sized per the specifications shown below
Pinal County staff will place information about Planning Commission and Board of Supervisor
hearings on the Broadcast sign in the designated area
Letter Sizes: All Letters Upper and Lower Case Unless Specified
1” Letters
2” Letters
2” Letters
2” Letters
2” Letters
5” Bold Italic Letters
3” Letters
3” Letters
3” Letters
2” Letters
2” Letters
Ver 10/19 Page | 17
Zoning and Planned Area Development Cases:
(4 Feet Tall by 8 Feet Wide)
Special Use Permit and Industrial Use Permit Cases
(4 Feet Tall by 8 Feet Wide)
Posted by
Case Number:
Existing Zoning:
Proposed Zoning:
Public Hearing
Applicant Name:
Applicant Phone Number:
Case Information Available at Pinal County Planning and Development Services
(520) 866-6442
Posted by
Case Number:
Existing Zoning:
Proposed SUP/IUP Use:
Public Hearing
Applicant Name:
Applicant Phone Number:
Case Information Available at Pinal County Planning and Development Services
(520) 866-6442