Louis Andersen
County Manager
Planning Division
31 North Pinal Street, Building F, PO Box 2973, Florence, AZ 85132 T 520-866-6442 FREE 888-431-1311 F 520-866-6530
Chapter 2.145, Section 150; Flexibility Provisions of the Pinal County Development Services Code sets forth a procedure,
which provides flexibility in the Sign Code for signs, or sign packages not allowed in Chapter 2.145, Sections 030 through
140, or as the result of a stipulation to a zoning approval. The procedures include the use of sign review to receive
additional design flexibility for signs.
Submittal Package
One (1) paper copy and a digital version of the following should be submitted with the sign application to be reviewed
by the Sign Review Committee including:
• A justification letter describing the request and how the sign structure, materials, and colors are compatible
with the project’s building architecture. Include a list in outline form of each sign requested, both freestanding
and wall, to include verbiage, area in square feet, and height.
• An inventory and photographs of any or all-existing freestanding signs on site.
• Preliminary Site Plan containing:
o A vicinity map showing the location of the property in relation to adjoining properties.
o Provide a north arrow, date of plan preparation, with subsequent revision dates. Project title and
address/parcel number. Architect and/or consultant’s name, address, and telephone number. Property
owner name, address, and telephone number.
o Provide a data table on the site plan that includes existing zoning and the net site area.
o Show property boundaries and dimensions.
o Show adjacent street right-of-way, existing and proposed; and existing/proposed street and sidewalk
noted to centerline.
o Show location of conceptual or existing landscape concepts including trees, shrubs, ground covers,
berms, and screen walls.
o Show location of proposed freestanding signs including dimensions, height, material and colors, and
method of illumination.
o Include elevations of buildings showing wall sign locations and dimensions.
o When more than one sign is located on a property, or where more than one building or business is
located in a single development project, such as a shopping center, a Comprehensive Sign Package shall
be submitted demonstrating consistency and uniformity among signs within the project. The
requirements of a Comprehensive Sign Package shall apply to all businesses within a related project,
even if the properties have been subdivided. Revisions or amendments to the Comprehensive Sign
Package shall require documentation from all tenants on the property prior to approval.
• Application submittal fees in the amount of $1,187.00
Upon complete submittal staff will review the application and determine if the request can be administratively approved
or if the proposal requires Board of Supervisors approval, please see PCDSC Chapter 2.145 for more information. If BOS
approval Is required, Please allow up to 12 weeks for a hearing.
*** Your application can also be submitted digitally (via email or FTP site or online portal) please call or email the Planning Division
for more information, There is a processing fee for online payments please follow this link for more
information: http://www.pinalcountyaz.gov/CommunityDevelopment/Pages/OnlinePaymentsInfo.aspx