550 W 8
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Phone: 907-269-3666
Fax: 907-269-3973
PCA Training Instructor Approval Request Form
(Use this form to request approval for the instructor)
1. Individual/Organization wanting to provide PCA training:
Phone #: Fax #:
Contact Person: Email:
2. Location of proposed training:
3. Describe why PCA training is needed in the area:
4. Number of students you propose to train:
5. Name of person(s) who will conduct the training (please list all instructors, the subject are
they will teach, and their qualifications to teach the subject are, attach resumes and current
occupational licenses or certifications):
6. Are you a new individual/organization wanting to provide PCA training and require the
approved 40-hour PCA curriculum packet?
yes no
If you are not a new training site, has your site received the approved 40-hour PCA curriculum
yes no (if no, DSDS will research and provide a copy if individual/organization
DSDS file supports non-receipt)
7. Do you plan to augment the basic training requirements with topics/issues important to your