*Assistance based on availability of funds*
The CAP CARES Program is a CSBG funded program to assist Riverside County families with
emergency assistance to help cover unmet household bills such as water, sewage, garbage, utility
assistance, technology and special needs.
Program Eligibility
Income-qualification is based on 200% of the Federal poverty guidelines and the number of
people in the household.
2020 CSBG CARES Act Poverty Guidelines
Participant Requirements
Reside in Riverside County
Be 18+ years old
Submit a form of identification (government issued ID, consular identification card, or passport)
Copy of current bills. (No older than 4 weeks).
Application Process
1. Submit CAP Cares application, intake sheet, identification and a copy of the current utility
bill(s) you are requesting assistance with. Eligible bills include water, trash, sewer,
electric, propane, internet.
2. Once your application has been reviewed and approved, an official award letter will be
provided to confirm the payment. Communicate with company, to inform them that all
program requirements under the CAP CARES Program have been met and a payment will
be made on your behalf. Please note that the payment will made directly to the company.
3. A Community Action staff representative may contact you, as a courtesy follow-up and
wellbeing check of you and your family during COVID-19. Regular follow-ups may take
place for the duration the recovery period through May 2022.