Meet Course Placement Requirements
Students must demonstrate they are college ready in one of the following ways (Initial each item that fulfills this
______ Provide proof of unweighted US high school GPA of 2.8 or higher within the last ten years
______ Transfer credit for English and math (college-level algebra)
______ Provide proof of completion of an associate’s or bachelor’s degree
______ Provide proof of satisfactory scores on ACT, SAT, GED, HiSET, NCDAP, COMPASS, ASSET, or ACCUPLACER
scores within the last ten years
______ Demonstrate mastery on RISE English placement test 2 and RISE Math placement test 2; OR successfully
complete ENG-002 through Tier 2 (grade of P2) and MAT-003 through Tier 2 (grade of P2)
Additional Required Documents:
Students must provide all of the documents listed below with the completed application:
______ I have attached a signed English Language Requirement Form (download from
Health Technologies
admission steps)
Statement of Student Responsibility
I verify that I have read all the information regarding admissions to the Opticianry Program, and understand the steps I
must take to qualify for admissions. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify the Admissions, Registration and
Records office regarding changes in name, address, or phone number through eForms.
I understand that all official communication from the college is delivered via ConnectMail, including Health and Wellness
admissions decisions.
I understand that my Opticianry application will not be accepted if incomplete.
I understand that Opticianry courses have an expiration date of five (5) years. If I do not complete the Associate Degree
or Apprenticeship Certificate program within five (5) years of starting classes, any Opticianry courses completed will
Name ___________________________________________ Student ID#_____________________________
________________________________________ Date____________________________
Revised 1/24/20 Page 2 of 2