Emergency Medical Services Continuing Education Registration
Complete this form and mail or fax with payment to:
Durham Technical Community College
525 College Park Road, Hillsborough, NC 27278
Fax: 919-536-7297 / Phone: 919-536-7238 x4205
• Payment or payment authorization is required at time of registration and must
be received before the first class.
• Receipts or confirmations will not be sent for payments that are faxed or mailed.
• The refund policy can be found at
Last name: First name: MI:
Address: City: State: ZIP:
County: ❒ Please check if this is a new address or change in information.
Home: ( ) Business: ( ) Ext.: Cell: ( )
Colleague ID #: (assigned by college if new student) Date of birth:
Email address: Social Security number:
Public safety agency: Position or job title:
Highest education level completed
❒ Non-graduate
(highest grade completed)
❒ High school diploma
❒ Adult high school
❒ Vocational diploma
❒ Associate’s degree
❒ Bachelor’s degree
❒ Master’s degree or higher
❒ Female ❒ Male
Race (check all that apply)
❒ American/Alaska native
❒ Asian
❒ Black/African-American
❒ Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
❒ Hispanic/Latino
❒ Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino
❒ White
EMS P# (if applicable):
Employment status
❒ Full time (40 or more hours/week)
❒ Part time (39 or fewer hours/week)
❒ Retired
❒ Unemployed (not seeking)
❒ Unemployed (seeking)
Course Number Course Title Location M T W Th F Sa Su Start Time End Time Start Date End Date Cost
By checking this box, I certify I am 18 years or older and not enrolled in high school (a release form from your high school is required otherwise) and also
authorize Durham Tech to release my grades to my employment agency or the credentialing agency as needed for certification purposes only.
Student signature
$ Registration fee paid received from student or
$ Registration fee billed to sponsoring agency
$ Books Other Check #: Bank:
Cardholder name: Exp. date: (MM/YY) Credit card security #:
❒ My signature attests that I am actively affiliated with the public safety agency listed and that I hold the job classification indicated.