On , construct alternative or balanced thoughts for the thoughts you have examined on
 in Chapter 8 on pages 88–93. Your alternative or balanced thought(s) will be based on
the evidence you gathered in columns 4 and 5 on .
Rerate your mood(s) after you have written and rated the alternative or balanced thought. Write
the mood(s) and rating(s) in column 7. Is there a relationship between the believability of your alterna-
tive or balanced thought and the change in your emotional response?
ThoughT RecoRd
    
 
 
 
 
Who were you
What were
you doing?
When was it?
Where were
Describe each
mood in one
Rate intensity of
mood (0–100%).
Circle or mark
the mood
you want to
Answer one or both of the
questions below, and then some
or all of the questions (on p. 54)
specic to the mood you circled
or marked:
What was going through my
mind just before I started to feel
this way?
What images or memories do I
have in this situation?
Circle hot thought in previous
column for which you are
looking for evidence.
Write factual evidence to
support this conclusion.
(Try to write facts, not
interpretations, as you practiced
in  on p. 72.)
Ask yourself the questions in
the Helpful Hints (p. 75) to help
discover evidence that does not
support your hot thought.
Ask yourself the questions in
the Helpful Hints in Chapter 9
(p. 100) to generate alternative
or balanced thoughts.
Write an alternative or balanced
Rate how much you believe each
alternative or balanced thought
Copy the
moods from
column 2.
Rerate the
intensity of
each mood
(0–100%), as
well as any
new moods.
Copyright 1983 by Christine A. Padesky. Reprinted in
Mind Over
Mood, Second Edition.
Copyright 2016 by Dennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky. All other rights reserved.