Please use CAPITAL LETTERS and black ink.
Tick the appropriate box to indicate your choice.
Please do not sign on a blank form.
If not applicable, put “N/A” in all empty fields.
This form should be accompanied by one (1) valid
government ID or two (2) valid non-government IDs.
Agent CodeAgent Code Agent Type Branch NameAgent Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Civil Status
Request Type
Name of Spouse (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial), if married
Mobile Number Email Adress
Loan Request
Advances (Authority to Deduct)
Type of Loan
Required Attachments:
Terms and Conditions: (Please read)
Type of Advances
Multi Purpose Loan (MPL)
Commission Advance (CA)
Commission Clawback Amortization
Emergency Loan (EL)
Others (Please specify)
Preferred Amortization Period
6 months
- Declaration of Estimated Monthly Household Expense - MPL
- Medical Cert./Proof of Destruction of Property, or such other circumstances - EL
- Birth Certificate/Marriage Contract of the agent's immediate family - EL
- Other Documents that may be required by the Company
- Proof of income from non-PLUK streams: 2020 ITR to support business income and/or 2020 BIR Form 2316 to support employment income, if applicable
- Clawback Notice/Letter - Clawback Amortization
- List of Policy Number - CA
- Proof of Registration - Trainings/Seminar
- Notarized Promissory Note (Loan Document)
Attach the applicable required supporting documents.
Loan and advances payment will be deducted every commission pay-out (i.e. weekly).
No agent/borrower shall be allowed to contract a secondary or subsequent loan or advance until at least fifty percent (50%) of existing loan
contracted has already been paid. New loan proceeds will be net of oustanding loan as of release date.
Loan requests amounting to above Ten Thousand Philippine Pesos (PhP10,000.00) should be guaranteed by a co-maker. A co-maker could be the
agency leader of the agent applicant or a co-agent provided that the co-maker satisfies the condition for loan qualification. In the absence of an
agency leader or co-agent, any external party can be a co-maker as long as he/she has financial capability as validated by the Sales Director with
approval of the Chief Financial Ocer and the Chief Agency Ocer.
Collateral is required for loan requests amounting to Three Hundred Thousand Philippine Pesos (PhP300,000.00) and above. Collateral may also be
required for lower amount if deemed necessary.
Interest rates on loans may be re-priced once every five (5) years at rates taking into consideration the prevailing market rates at the point of
If the agent defaults on any given month on a loan and/or an advance, he/she will automatically be disqualified from undertaking any subsequent
loans and/or advances of any type until his/her present loan and/or advance is/are fully paid.
If an agent/borrower fails to meet his/her required monthly Annual Premium Equivalent ("APE") on any given month, prizes from any contests shall
first be applied to his/her monthly loan amortization for the said month.
In the event that the loan is found to have been used for a purpose other than the declared intention, any outstanding principal and interest shall
become immediately due and payable without the need for a demand from the Company which I shall pay within such time as the Company may
determine without prejudice to the application of disciplinary action in proper cases.
In case of my resignation, termination or retirement from the Company, any outstanding principal and interest shall become due and demandable
without need for demand. I hereby irrevocably, unequivocally and expressly authorize the Company to deduct any outstanding indebtedness from my
commission, bonuses, savings fund, and other compensations payable to me as an agent of the Company in accordance with the requirements of
laws and regulations. Furthermore, I also irrevocably, unequivocably and expressly authorize the Company to use, convey, sell, proceed against, and
do anything necessary on the collateral I have given to the Company in order to satisfy my outstanding indebtedness to the Company in accordance
with the requirements of laws and regulations.
Others (Please specify)
Tablet Loan Program
Purchase of a PRUone/PULSE/PRUshoppe compatible tablet
(please refer to list of eligible gadget models)
Requested Amount (in figures)
PhP 20,000.00
Requested Amount (in words )
Twenty Thousand Pesos Only
9/F Uptown Place Tower 1, 1 East 11th Drive, Uptown Bonifacio,
1634 Taguig City, Philippines
Customer helpdesk: (632) 8683 9000, (632) 8884 8484, (632) 8887 LIFE
within Metro Manila, 1 800 10 PRULINK for domestic toll-free
Email: Website:
Agency Loan And Advances
Application Form
Others (Please specify)
Signature over printed name of APPLICANT
DATE (mm/dd/yyyy)
Agreed and Understood:
Signature over printed name of BRANCH MANAGER/ SALES DIRECTOR
DATE (mm/dd/yyyy)
Endorsed By:
CO-MAKER - Agency Leader / Co-Agent (provided that the conditions for loan qualification are satisfied)
I guarantee the loan of the above agent and I agree that in case of failure to settle the loan, it will be deducted from my future commissions, bonuses,
savings fund, and other compensations payable to me as an agent of the Company in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. I also
agree to be solidarily liable to the above agent. I irrevocably and expressly agree with, consent to and authorize the Company and any of its appointed
third party to process (collect, record, organize, store, consult, use, consolidate, block, erase or destroy, among others) my personal information and
sensitive personal information that I provided pursuant to this application for unrestricted period for the purpose of processing this application and
conducting character and background check on me. I consent to the use and transfer of my particulars under Republic Act No.10173 or the Data Privacy
Act of 2012 and Presidential Decree No. 1718 or any applicable data protection legislation from time to time in force.
Signature over printed name of AGENCY LEADER/ CO-AGENT
DATE (mm/dd/yyyy)
Loan applicants must not have been or be in violation of the CAMA and/or Agency Standards/Market Conduct Guidelines the result of which was or
would be suspension/termination of the right to sell/license.
In case of a past sales malpractice or violation for which a penalty of suspension of the right to sell/license was imposed, the agent shall not be
allowed to apply for a loan for a period of 1 year from the date of eectivity of the decision of the SDC or SDC WC finding said agent guilty of sales
malpractice or violation. An agent whose right to sell/license has been revoked/terminated cannot apply for a loan from the Company.
In case of a pending sales malpractice or violation complaint, the agent's loan application shall be put on hold until a decision is rendered. If agent is
found guilty thereof, item #12 above shall apply. If the agent is found not guilty, the loan application shall proceed in accordance with Company
If any indebtedness shall remain after the deduction set forth in Clause 10 hereof, my liability under this application and such other relevant
documents/agreements shall continue to be in full force and eect until all balances are fully paid and settled.
I agree that the taxes and costs in connection with the loan and the registration of my collateral shall be for my account and I shall furnish the
Company proof of such payment and registration.
I acknowledge that the Company has the right to deny this application if I did not meet the loan requirements in these Revised Guidelines on Agency
Loans and Advances ("Revised Guidelines") including any material adverse findings on my character through a background check conducted by a
third-party provider. I irrevocably and expressly authorize the Company to conduct a character and background check on me.
"I irrevocably and expressly agree with, consent to and authorize the Company and any of its appointed third party to process (collect, record,
organize, store, consult, use, consolidate, block, erase or destroy, among others) my personal information and sensitive personal information that I
provided pursuant to this application for unrestricted period for the purpose of processing this application and conducting character and background
check on me. I consent to the use and transfer of my particulars under Republic Act No.10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and Presidential Decree
No. 1718 or any applicable data protection legislation from time to time in force.
The validity, interpretation, construction, and performance of this application shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. The
proper court in Taguig City shall have exclusive jurisdiction and shall be the venue of any action or dispute arising out of this application.
If payment is obtained through any legal action, any additional expenses and costs, inclusive of litigation expenses and judicial costs shall be charged
to me as liquidated damages.
I agree to indemnify and hold the Company free and harmless from any form of liabilities, claims, losses, actions, costs and/or expenses of whatever
nature arising from or in connection with this application and the loan granted hereunder.
I understand that if any one or more of the provisions of this application or any document that may be executed in connection therewith shall be
invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein or in any other
related document shall not in any way be aected or impaired and shall remain in full force and eect.
I understand that no provision of this application shall be considered waived by the Company except when such waiver is made in writing. I also
understand that no failure or delay on the part of the Company in exercising any of its rights, powers or privileges hereunder shall impair any such
rights, powers or privileges or operate as a waiver thereof. I further understand that the rights, powers and remedies herein expressly provided are
cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies that the Company would otherwise have under applicable law.
I shall not assign any of my rights nor obligations under this application to a third party, without the prior written consent of the authorized represen-
tative of the Company
I understand that that the Company may assign its rights and benefits under this application to any of its subsidiaries, aliates or associated
companies, without the need of securing my prior written consent.
By signing below, I confirm that I have received a copy of the Revised Guidelines which I have read and understood. I also agree that all the provisions
of the Revised Guidelines are deemed incorporated to this application. I further agree to comply with all the provisions of the Revised Guidelines.
By signing below, I agree that this application will automatically form part of any documents and contracts which I executed / will execute pursuant
to such application for loans and/or advances.
I agree that this application may be executed simultaneously in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of
which together shall constitute one and the same application.
CO-MAKER - External Guarantor
In lieu of the Agency Leader/Co-Agent, I guarantee the loan of the above agent and that in case of failure to settle the loan, I agree that I will be held
solidarily liable with the above agent. I irrevocably and expressly agree with, consent to and authorize the Company and any of its appointed third party
to process (collect, record, organize, store, consult, use, consolidate, block, erase or destroy, among others) my personal information and sensitive personal
information that I provided pursuant to this application for unrestricted period for the purpose of processing this application and conducting character
and background check on me. I consent to the use and transfer of my particulars under Republic Act No.10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and
Presidential Decree No. 1718 or any applicable data protection legislation from time to time in force.
I certify that the above (external) guarantor has means to cover the loan of the above agent in case of failure to pay.
Important Reminder: Loan processing turn around time will start upon the receipt of the complete application form with required supporting attachments. Incomplete
applications (e.g. no co-maker, no supporting documents, etc.) will be returned.
Signature over printed name
DATE (mm/dd/yyyy)
Signature over printed name of SALES DIRECTOR
DATE (mm/dd/yyyy)
Borrower Address:
Borrower Spouse Full Name(if any): :
Co-Maker Full Name
Co-Maker Spouse Full Name(if any):
Co-Maker Address:
If external Co-Maker or Guarantor:
Pls Attached ITR or 2 Months Pay Slip