Jeff Patterson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jeff Patterson, an inspirational teacher and rider, succumbed to a stroke on November 12,
2007, at the age of 43. Jeff’s tremendous passion and enthusiasm for snowboarding and skiing
positively influenced the lives of all he touched.
Jeff enjoyed a long and successful career in snowboard and ski instruction, starting teaching
skiing at Spring Mt. in 1987. He worked at Blue Mt. and Montage in the Poconos, and moved to
Vail in 1993. He was involved in PSIA/AASI snowboard programs from their inception,
participating in the first level 2 and level 3 snowboard exams offered by the eastern division. He
took ongoing training and professional development seriously: he was level 2 alpine certified,
level 3 snowboard certified, and children’s and freestyle accredited. Jeff served as a trainer and
examiner for RM since 1998 and was lead examiner/ snowboard committee chair for several
seasons. He was a frequent participant in AASI and other online forums and reviewed articles
for TPR and training manuals for Vail Resorts. He sat on both the divisional and national boards
of directors, energetically representing the interests of all PSIA/AASI members. His
contributions to ASEA are many and significant.
John Anderson, fellow Board member and friend had this to say, “He was an outspoken
champion for our profession and for PSIA‐AASI. It was a privilege to serve with him on the
board. He made so many contributions to us all and we will miss him.” Jeff will be remembered
as a husband, father, a teacher’s teacher, role model, mentor, beloved friend and riding
companion to many, many people.
The Jeff Patterson Memorial Scholarship Fund has been established by the AASI/PSIA‐RM Board
of Directors to celebrate Jeff’s contributions and reward and recognize front line snowboard
instructors. The scholarship awards may be used for membership dues, certification fees, or for
continuing education.
Application Requirements
1. Must be currently teaching for a PSIA/AASI-RM member school.
2. Applications must be completed in full and emailed to (please do not
3. Include a separate page(s) explaining in 1000 words or less your teaching experience,
personal teaching goals, how you plan to use the scholarship award, and why you need
financial assistance.
4. Include at least two (2) letters of recommendation from your school director, your
snowboard trainer or supervisor.
**Scholarships that are awarded will not be paid directly to the individual.**
Jeff Patterson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Personal Information:
Name:___________________________________________ Phone:_______________________
Address:__________________________ City:_______________ State:______ Zip:__________
Email Address:__________________________________________________________________
Professional Information: (membership not required to be considered for scholarship)
PSIA/AASI-RM Member #:_______________ Member Since:__________
Certification Level(s):_____________________________________________________________
Snowsports Teaching Background:
Started Teaching:_____________ Current Member School:_____________________________
Why did you become a snowsports instructor?:
Attach two (2) letters of reference from your current school Director, and snowboard trainer or
I certify that all of the information provided in this application is true and accurate. I
understand that my Director and other references may be contacted in regards to the
information provided.
Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:_________________
Please EMAIL completed applications to