Official Withdrawal Form
Registrar’s Office
222 St. Patrick Street Toronto, ON M5T 1V4
regoffice@michener.ca │ 1 (416) 596-3117 or 1 (800) 387-9066
Official Withdrawal Form 1 of 2 23-Jan-2020
Date Received
Office Use Only
_______________________________________________________ ___________________________
Name (Last, First, Middle) Student Number
Address (Number, Street, Unit) City Province Postal Code
________________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________
Telephone Program Name Term
Withdrawal & Refund Schedule
Before the official start of classes up to the end of the 10
day of the semester.
From the 11
day of the semester to the end of the 20
day of the semester.
After the 20
day of the semester, but before the end of the 7
week of the semester.
After the 7
week of the semester until the last day of classes.
After the last day of the semester.
Note: A W grade is a withdrawn status and does not affect Grade Point Average (GPA). A WF grade is a failing grade and will affect GPA.
*less any non-refundable tuition Deposit and non-refundable Ancillary fees, if applicable.
Reason for Withdrawal (Choose one only)
Left to attend another School Obtained Employment Personal/Financial/Medical
Program unsuitable to student Outstanding Fees
Other: ______________________________________________ Last Day of Attendance: __________________________
OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) Funded Students: OSAP will be notified of student withdrawals
and last day of attendance. Withdrawals will affect OSAP entitlements and repayment.
_______________________________________________ _________________________________
Student Signature Date
_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Program Chair Signature (Required for withdrawals after Day 10) Date
__________________________________________ ____________________________________
Withdrawal Processed Date RO Initial
IM, PRGM, BB, LR, HS, SSN, ADM Notified Full Withdrawal Reviewed By Registrar or FAO: _____________