Student Name: _________________________
Updated/Reviewed by an Occupational Health Physician May 2018
Provide proof of a series of two MMR immunizations with the initial MMR vaccination date on or after 1
birthday. A
MMR vaccine will be required if only one MMR immunization is documented. For students unable to provide
documentation of previous MMR immunization, a laboratory report showing immunity is required; if negative
immunity, a booster series of 2 dose(s) of MMR vaccine administered 4 weeks apart is required. If immunization is
required plan for
8 weeks to complete the process.
a. Initial MMR vaccination dates, on or after 1st birthday, with doses given at least 4 weeks apart
1st MMR date: ____________________________ 2nd MMR date: ____________________________
Measles, Mumps and Rubella - Immunity (MMR laboratory report)
b. Measles blood test Date: __________________________ Result: ___________________________
Mumps blood test Date: __________________________ Result: ___________________________
Rubella blood test Date: __________________________ Result: ___________________________
c. MMR booster doses (if required) Date:_____________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
C.4 Hepatitis B:
Provide laboratory report as evidence of positive immunity. If negative immunity, a series of 3 injections may be
required with follow up blood test. If immunization is required plan for
6-9 months, to complete the process.
(Accelerated series should be completed in 3 months, with a follow up booster in 12 months to achieve life-long
immunity). * Blood test 1 month after 3
dose. If previous immunization was remote (e.g. public school) and lab work
is negative - -- give one dose of vaccine and re-test 4-6 weeks later. If negative again, complete second series.
Dates of 3 vaccinations:
1st hepatitis B Date: ______________________
2nd hepatitis B Date: _____________________
3rd hepatitis B Date: ______________________
1st hepatitis B Date: ______________________
2nd hepatitis B Date: _____________________
3rd hepatitis B Date: ______________________
Proof of Immunity (Hep B laboratory report1)
Proof of Immunity (Hep B laboratory report 2 if required)
Non converter
Hep B laboratory report Date: ______________________________ Result: _______________________
* An additional Hepatitis B series of 3 vaccinations required if there is inadequate immunity up to a maximum
of 2 series. Series must be completed prior to the end of the first semester of study.