Plus One Scholarship Application
Deadline: November 30
Applicant Information:
ease mark you response below:
Are you a first generation college student? ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
Do you have dependents? ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
If Yes, how many? __________
Are you currently employed? ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
If yes, please indicate employer: _________________________________
Impact on Financial Aid: Scholarships are considered resource funds under state and federal guidelines, therefore scholarship
awards become part of a student’s financial aid package. Scholarships are first used to cover the student’s unmet need. Gift aid
“grants” will be reduced only if the total of all awards exceeds the amount of financial aid for which the student is eligible. In no
case will the Pell Grant be reduced as a result of a scholarship. Additional documentation pertaining to the applicant’s income
may be requested. If additional income verification is requested, it must be provided before the applicant will be considered for
an award.
Date of Birth (MM-DD-YYYY):