Forest Grove Public Arts Commission
Mini-Grant Application
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Revised August 2019
Grant Guidelines:
-Provide seed money to local organizations offering Arts programming in Forest Grove at no charge to the community
-Preference is given to groups:
-Serving underrepresented portions of the community; children, seniors, low-income and Latinos
-Providing a substantial in-kind contribution; volunteer support and/or donation of goods and services.
-Eligible activities include music, dance, literary arts, fine arts, crafts, film and theatre arts
-Clubs and organizations are eligible to apply
-Organizations are not required to be registered as a non-profit.
Please print clearly or type your responses.
Project Name: _____________________________________ Organization:__________________________________
Contact Name(s): __________________________________ Contact Phone(s): ______________________________
Address, City, State, Zip:__________________________________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
1) Description of the Project: (in 50 words or less)
2) Describe the portion of the project for which you are requesting PAC Mini-Grant funds: (in 50 words or less)
3) Total Amount Requested From PAC (not to exceed $500): $__________________
4) Target Audience for project: ______________________________________________________
5) Date of Project(s): __________________________ Time: ______________________________
6) Location: ____________________________________________________________________
7) How will the project be publicized: _________________________________________________
(Notice of PAC sponsorship is required on printed materials and at the event and a logo will be given to you)
Note: The Forest Grove Public Arts Commission makes every effort to ensure that a representative will attend
all events sponsored in part by PAC, so notification in writing of changes in date/ time are required to be sent,
or emailed to the addresses at the bottom of this application. If the funded event does not occur as scheduled,
the event must be rescheduled and completed within 30 days of the originally scheduled event or the grant will
be rescinded.