Organization Name Organization Mailing Address (if different)
DBA Name (if different) City, State, Zip
Organization Site Address Organization Phone
City, State, Zip Organization Email
Organization Contact Name Organization Contact Name
Organization Phone and Contact Relation to Organization
Organization Phone and Contact Relation to Organization
If not owner of property (Forest Grove locations only), Property Owner or Management Company and Phone
● City Code Title XI: Chap 110: 110.004 lists the following activities as exempt from obtaining a business license, but must still submit the location,
purpose and contact information: 1) Churches and governmental agencies including public schools; 2) Civic leagues or civic organizations
operating exclusively for promotion of social welfare; 3) Independent contractors associated with a like business in the same location under the
same business name as stated on the business' business license; 4) Community events; 5) Any business specifically exempt from payment of a
business license fee under state or federal law or constitution; 6) Any business specifically exempted by Council; 7) Producers of farm products
raised in Oregon, and sold by themselves or immediate families.
Brief Business Description (REQUIRED)/What specific activity are you conducting?
Please do not list your state or federal tax status (ie, 501C) as this alone does not qualify as an exemption
Types of Funding Received by Organization (Check all that apply)
Grant Funding Payment for Goods/Services Other: ______________________________________
Business located within a shopping center?
19th Ave Plaza Ballad Towne Square FG Shopping Center Stonewood Center N/A
Business Category (select only one)
UT Utilities REL Church or Religious Organization
Governmental Agency
Other (describe ): __________________________
SCH Publicly Funded School _________________________________________
(A) All businesses required to have a city business license, as specified in § 110.025, shall recycle as follows:
(1) Businesses shall source separate from the waste stream all paper, cardboard, glass/plastic bottles
or jars, and aluminum/tin cans;
(2) Businesses and business recycling service customers shall provide recycling containers for internal
maintenance or work areas where recyclable materials may be collected, stored, or both; and
1924 COUNCIL ST * PO BOX 326 * FOREST GROVE, OR 97116-0326
PH (503) 992-3348 * FAX (503) 992-3199
Business Owner and Contact Information