Business Name Owner Name
DBA Name (if different) Owner Address
Business Site Address City, State, Zip
City, State, Zip Owner Phone
Business Phone Business Contact Name
Business Email Business Phone and Contact Relation to Business
Business Mailing Address (if different) Business Contact Name
City, State, Zip Business Phone and Contact Relation to Business
Please list all web pages used to acquire goods or offer them for sale, including internet auction account names
Personal History (must be filled out for each employee, attach additional sheets as necessary)
Employee # 1
Employee # 2
Employee # 3
Type of Ownership
Corporation LLC LLP Sole Proprietor Partnership Non-Profit
● If a partnership, application must include the names, principal occupations, addresses, phone numbers, birth dates,
along with all other information required of any individual applicant, or each partner, whether general, limited, or
silent and the respective ownership shares owned by each;
● If a corportion, or limited liability company, the application must set forth the corporate or company name, copies of
the articles of incorporation or organization and the corporate by-laws or operating agreement, and the names,
addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, and principal occupations, along with all other information required of any
individual applicant, of every officer, director, members or managers, and shareholder (owning more than 5% of the
outstanding shares) and the number of share held by each.
Date of
*All owners or principal managers must be at least 18 years of age
City, State, Zip
1924 COUNCIL ST * PO BOX 326 * FOREST GROVE, OR 97116-0326
PH (503) 992-3348 * FAX (503) 992-3199
Business Information
Business Owner and Contact Information
This application must accompany the City Business License Application if selling used goods.
Indicate all arrests or convictions of each principal owner, partner or manager (attach additional sheets as
Employee # 1
Employee # 2
Business History for Each Owner/Principal Parter/Principal Manager (Please include history for the 3 years
immediately preceding the date of this application, attach additional sheets as necessary)
Owner/Principal #1 Business Occupation or Employment
Name Last year
2 years ago
3 years ago
Owner/Principal #2 Business Occupation or Employment
Name Last year
2 years ago
3 years ago
Owner/Principal #3 Business Occupation or Employment
Name Last year
2 years ago
3 years ago
Permit History or Business License History in operating a business identical or similar to this one
(attach additional sheets as necessary)
Business #1 Name
Jurisdiction License and/or Permit No.
Incidents (revoked, suspended, reasons) Resolution
Business activity subsequent to incident
Business #2 Name
Jurisdiction License and/or Permit No.
Incidents (revoked, suspended, reasons) Resolution
Business activity subsequent to incident
Dealer's Permit Application, Page 2
Arrest or Convictions
● If the applicant does not own the business premises, a true and complete copy of the executed lease (and the legal
description of the premises to be permitted) must be attached to the application
Attachments (Please check all that apply)
Personal History for additional owners/partners/employees Additional Permit/Business License History
Additional Business History for additional owners/partners/ Copies of Articles of Incorporation
employees Corporate By-Laws or Operating Agreement
Additional Information for Corporate Officers or Directors Other: _______________________________
Executed Lease for leasing business premises _____________________________________
● This Dealer's Permit application will be reviewed and approved or denied by the Forest Grove Police Department
● Upon request, the principal owners, partners or managers, and employees, shall submit to the Forest Grove Police
Department fingerprints, passport size photographs, a copy of the signature initials to be used by persons on article
transcation report forms, and any other information that the Chief of Police or designee may reasonably feel is
necessary to accomplish the goals of Forest Grove Municipal Code Title XI: Chapter 110: Code 110.045 through 110.056
● A City Business License is required to operate a business within Forest Grove city limits, and is in addition to and
separate from this Dealer's Permit. The fee for the Business License is non-refundable. See website for more
information at
Signature of Authorized Agent Printed Name and Title Date
Date received Received by Routed to Police Dept
Dealer's Permit Application, Page 3
Office Use Only
click to sign
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