Business Name Owner Name
DBA Name (if different) Owner Address
Business Site Address City, State, Zip
City, State, Zip Owner Phone
Business Phone Business Contact Name
Business Email
Business Phone and Contact Relation to Business
Business Mailing Address (if different) Business Contact Name
City, State, Zip Business Phone and Contact Relation to Business
Brief Business Description (REQUIRED)/What specific activity are you conducting?
Type of Ownership
Corporation LLC LLP Sole Proprietor Partnership Non-Profit
Business located within City limits? Home based business? Mobile business?
Yes No Yes No Yes No
Business located within a shopping center?
19th Ave Plaza Ballad Towne Square FG Shopping Center Stonewood Center N/A
Business Category
Contractors - without Metro license
Metro Contractor - requires active Metro license #
If contractor, CCB # and Expiration If contractor, Metro # and Expiration (if applicable)
Contractors - if you have an active Metro license and include the number and expiration date above, no
fee is required to accompany this application. You may email both pages of the application to the Business
License office at
Business Information
Business Owner and Contact Information
1924 COUNCIL ST * PO BOX 326 * FOREST GROVE, OR 97116-0326
PH (503) 992-3348 * FAX (503) 992-3199
Application Fee - includes a new application fee (A) + the business license fee based upon number of FTEs (B)
A. New Business License Application Fee 29.40$
B. Business License Fee (based upon number of FTEs - definition below*)
0 - 2.5 full-time equivalents 41.00$
3 - 4.5 full-time equivalents 58.50$
5 - 10.5 full-time equivalents 87.50$
11 - 50.5 full-time equivalents 117.00$
51 or more full-time equivalents $117.00 + $1.18 per FTE over 50
(capped at $292.50 annually)
C. Total Amount Due with Application $
Payment must be included with application in the form of cash, check,
or money order made payable to the City of Forest Grove .
* Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) definition
An employee working thirty two (32) or more hours per week throughout the year
shall be considered full-time and count as one (1) FTE.
An employee working less than thirty two (32) hours per week or who is a temporary
or seasonal employee shall count as one-half (0.50) FTE.
Landlords, Property and Business Owners count as one (1) FTE.
(A) All businesses required to have a city business license, as specified in § 110.025, shall recycle as follows:
(1) Businesses shall source separate from the waste stream all paper, cardboard, glass/plastic bottles
or jars, and aluminum/tin cans;
(2) Businesses and business recycling service customers shall provide recycling containers for internal
maintenance or work areas where recyclable materials may be collected, stored, or both; and
(3) Businesses and business recycling service customers shall post accurate signs where recyclable
materials are collected, stored, or both that identify the materials that the business must source
separate and that provide recycling instructions.
Business License Fee Calculation
(B) (1) This section does not apply to a business operated from a residence. A RESIDENCE is the place
where a person lives.
(2) A business may seek an exemption from the requirements in division (A) above, if:
(a) The business provides access to the city or designated agent for a site visit; and
(b) The city or designated agent determines during the site visit that the business cannot comply
with the business recycling requirement because of space or economic restrictions or other
extenuating circumstances.
(C) To assist businesses in compliance with this section, the city or designated agent shall:
(1) Notify businesses of the business recycling requirement at the time application is made for a
business license;
(2) Provide businesses with education and technical assistance to assist with meeting the
requirements of this section; and
(3) The city’s business license procedures shall include provisions requiring that the business shall
certify that they have complied with the requirements of this section upon signing the business
license application and the business shall also certify upon renewal of the business license that
they have complied with the requirements of this section.
(D) A business that does not comply with the business recycling requirement may receive a written notice of
noncompliance. The notice shall describe:
(1) The violation;
(2) How the business or business recycling service customer can cure the violation within the time
specified in the notice; and
(3) An offer of assistance with compliance.
(E) A business or business recycling service customer that does not cure the violation within the time specified
in the notice of noncompliance may receive a written citation. The citation shall provide:
(1) An additional opportunity to cure the violation within the time specified on the citation; and
(2) Notification to the business or business recycling service customer that it may be subject to a fine
under the provisions of § 10.99.
(F) A business or business recycling service customer that does not cure the violation within the time specified
in the notice of noncompliance may be subject to a fine. The general penalty of violation is punishable
under the provisions of § 10.99.
(Prior Code, § 7.700) (Ord. 2009-06, passed 5-26-2009)
Signature of Authorized Agent Printed Name and Title Date
Date received Received by Amount Paid
Office Use Only
* Issuance of a business license does not excuse a business from compliance with applicable federal, state, and municipal
laws, including regulations of the City. The undersigned declares, under penalty of law, that the information in this
application is true. A copy of this application may be disclosed to requestors under Oregon's Public Records Law.
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