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Received by Fire Marshal’s Office
on: ____________________
1. Basic Information.
(a) Name of the event:____________________________________
(b) Start date and time:____________________________________
(c) End date and time:____________________________________
(d) Promoter's name:_______________________________________
(e) Promoter’s address:
(f) Promoter’s phone number: _________________________________
(g) Promoter’s email address:__________________________________
2. Information on Event Location and Property Owner.
(a) Name of property owner:____________________________________
(b) Mailing address of property owner:_________________________________
(c) Property owner’s phone number: ________________________________
(d) Property owner’s email address: _________________________________
(e) The 911 address of the property on which the event will be held:
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(f) Attach a site map of the vicinity and describe the property on which the event
will be held:
(g) Attach a certified copy of the agreement between the promoter and the
property owner.
3. Event Information.
(a) What is the maximum number of persons the promoter will allow to attend the
event: __________
(b) Describe the plan the promoter intends to use to limit attendance to the
maximum number specified above.
(c) Will alcohol be served at the event? ____ Yes ____ No
(d) Will minors be attending the event? ____ Yes ____ No
If minors will be attending the event, provide a description of the promoter’s
preparations for supervising minors who may attend the event.
(e) Attach a financial statement that reflects the funds being supplied to finance
the event and each person supplying the funds.
(f) If there will be performers at the event, include an attachment that sets out
the name and address of each performer who has agreed to appear at the
(g) Include an attachment that sets out the name and address of each
performer's agent for each performer who has agreed to appear at the event.
(h) Include an attachment that describes each agreement between the promoter
and a performer.
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4. Compliance with Travis County Procedures and Guidelines
The undersigned promoter agrees to follow the Travis County Permitting
Procedures for Major Events in Unincorporated Areas. In planning for and
carrying out the event, the undersigned promoter agrees to comply with all
applicable Travis County Event Permit Guidelines (attached hereto) and any
special conditions included in the permit.
The undersigned promoter requests a waiver of the following requirement(s):
5. Health & Safety Officer
The undersigned promoter agrees to comply, and cause its agents, contractors,
and employees to comply with, the orders of the Health and Safety Officer
designated by the Travis County Fire Marshal to act on behalf of all County
Departments, including but not limited to directions to immediately shut down the
event if the Health and Safety Officer determines that it is necessary to do so to
enforce the requirements of the permit or protect public health and safety. Failure
to comply with such orders is a criminal offense under the Mass Gatherings
6. Information True and Correct
The undersigned promoter affirms that all of the information provided or to be
provided by the promoter is true and correct.
Promoter: __________________________
By: __________________________
Printed Name: __________________________
Title: __________________________
Date: __________________________
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Travis County Major Event Permit Guidelines
At least 15 days before the event, the promoter shall supply all of the information
required below to the Travis County Fire Marshall.
1. Site Plan
The promoter must submit a comprehensive site plan that shows the complete
layout of the property, including the following:
Information that must be shown on site plan
(a) Tents, identified with description of use and size
(b) Generators (marked with “G”)
(c) Access points, including ingress and egress from
each area, tent, lounge, etc.
(d) Location of emergency medical services
(e) Location of each emergency aid station (marked
with red +)
(f) Location of promoter’s headquarters
(g) All stage locations with description of use and size
(h) All food preparation and food service locations
(i) All water supply locations, marked with a blue “W
(j) All hand-washing and drying facilities that will
have running water
(k) All solid waste collection locations
(l) Location of each toilet, labeled “Men” or “Women”
and a description of the type of toilet
(m) Location of any hazards on the property such as
streams, ponds, or steep or uneven terrain
(n) Location and capacity of any camping areas
(o) Location and number of officers providing traffic
(p) Location and capacity of on-site parking, including
location and capacity of parking for recreational
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(q) Routes for ingress/egress for attendees
(r) Routes for emergency access ingress/egress
(s) Location and description of traffic control signage
(t) Locations for pick-up and drop off for any shuttle
that will be used
(u) Locations of lighting
2. Health and Sanitation
Attach all the information specified below in sufficient detail for the County Health
Authority to comprehensively review and evaluate the extent of the promoter’s
compliance with the requirements and minimum standards set forth in 25 Tex.
Admin. Code Sections 265.1-265.3.
(a) Toilets.
Attach sufficient documentation for the County Health Authority to approve
the toilet facilities provider for the event.
(b) Water Source.
Will promoter be using a public water supply? ____ If yes, provide name
of water company: ____________________________________
Will promoter be using a private company to provide water? ____ If yes,
attach information to demonstrate to the County Health Authority that
there will be a safe and sufficient supply of water for the event.
Promoter shall supply water at the rate of 1 pint per hour per person by
means of adequate water dispensing equipment (single use cups, etc.).
Attach the executed contract agreement between the promoter and the
water supplier and a copy of the water test.
(c) Solid and Liquid Waste Collection and Removal.
The promoter must attach sufficient information for health review to
approve each solid waste collection and removal company for the event,
and the documentation must specify the frequency that solid waste will be
picked up.
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The promoter shall make all trip tickets available for inspection.
(d) Site Clean-Up Plan.
The promoter must include a site clean-up plan for returning the site to its
pre-event condition within five days of conclusion of the event.
(e) Food and Beverage Services.
(i) The promoter must attach a list of all permitted mobile food vendors
and temporary food service vendors, including vendors providing bar
(ii) The promoter shall ensure that all temporary food service permit
applications are submitted to the Environmental health Services
Division of the Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services
Department at least ten days before the event. All mobile food vendors
(food trucks) must hold a Travis County Mobile Food Vendor Permit.
(iii) A permitted Travis County Mobile Food Vendor must keep their food
service confined within their truck. Expanding food service outside
their truck, i.e. a table out front, would require an additional
temporary food service permit.
(f) Food and Beverage Safety Requirements.
All mobile vendors/trailers will be subject to fire and health inspections. The
promoter must ensure that all food and beverage vendors comply with the
following requirements and not allow a vendor to operate if it does not.
(i) Propane bottles utilized by food vendors must be securely attached
to the mobile food unit. All spare bottles must be kept off event
grounds at designated location. No spare bottles may be stored on
event grounds. All other flammable liquids and gases must be kept
off event grounds at designated secure location during the event.
(ii) Each vendor/ tent must have a 2A10BC rated fire extinguisher.
(iii) Any cooking operation involving combustible cooking media (frying
vegetable or animal oils and fats) requires a Class K rated
extinguisher, in addition to a 2A10BC rated fire extinguisher. All
extinguishers must have a current annual inspection.
(iv) Propane appliances must have LPG stamped on their hoses.
(v) No grilling with charcoal or wood is allowed under any tented structure.
(vi) Generators and other internal combustion power sources shall be
separated from tents by a minimum of 20 feet and shall be isolated
from contact with the public by fencing or enclosure or other approved
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(vii) A minimum of 10 feet separation is required between cooking
tents and non-cooking tents.
(viii) 10’ x 10’ pop-up canopies are permissible if they are properly
staked and positioned. Walls, dressings. etc., may not be hung to
enclose the canopy or provide walls.
(ix) If a tent will be used, the vendor must comply with all requirements
regarding tents.
4. Medical and Nursing Care. Attach a description the preparations that are being
made to provide adequate medical and nursing care for the event, including:
(a) The number of emergency medical services personnel that will be on-site
during the event,
(b) A description of the qualifications of emergency medical services
personnel that will be on-site during the event, and
(c) The promoter’s plan for evacuation of sick or injured persons
5. Traffic Control.
(a) List the dates and times traffic control operations will be in effect:
(b) Specify the method that will be used for collecting payment for on-site
(c) Will a shuttle operation be used for the event?
____ Yes ____ No
If a shuttle operation will be used, attach a shuttle operations plan that
(1) All pick-up and drop-off locations;
(2) The anticipated number of shuttle patrons;
(3) The method for collecting payment for use of the shuttles; and
(4) The hours of operation for shuttle services.
Is a shuttle operations plan attached? ____ Yes ____ No
(d) The promoter must attach a traffic control plan map that includes:
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(1) All routes of ingress/egress for attendeesthese routes must be
all-weather routes or otherwise approved by Fire Marshal;
(2) All routes to be used for emergency access ingress/egress-- these
routes must be all-weather routes or otherwise approved by Fire
(3) The location and description of all traffic control signage;
(4) The locations, number, and hours for all traffic control officers; and
(5) The location of all parking facilities.
(e) Attach an executed contract for providing traffic control services for the
event that includes:
(1) The name of the company providing services;
(2) The hours and dates the services will be used;
(3) A detailed description of the services that will be provided; and
(4) The contact information for the lead person in charge of traffic
control services in the field.
6. Tent and Membrane Structure Floor Plans.
For each tent that attendees might enter during the event, the promoter must
provide interior layout/floor plan information, including:
(a) Identification of the use of the tent;
(b) Dimensions of the tent;
(c) Any infrastructure/production elements outlined and labeled
within, with dimensions for large items;
(d) Fire extinguisher locations; and
(e) Locations for ingress/egress, including locations of battery backup
powered exit signs w/ emergency lighting
7. Stage Engineering Reports.
For each stage that will be used during the event, the promoter must submit a
report that provides engineering details and installation requirements for that
stage. How many stages will be used during the event? ______
8. Liability Insurance Policy.
The promoter must attach a copy of its liability insurance policy for the event.
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9. Additional Fire Marshal Rules and Regulations.
The promoter must ensure compliance with each of the following rules and
(a) Pyrotechnics, outdoor lasers, flame effects/performers are not
permissible without prior permitting and approval through the Travis
County Fire Marshal’s Office.
(b) Stage lighting is subject to regulations to avoid disruption of air
traffic. Most stage configuration will require lighting to remain
below 30 degrees from deck.
(c) Event infrastructure locations and quantities, including cable ramps,
barricade, fence lines etc., are subject to review and approval by the
Travis County Fire Marshal’s Office.
(d) Fire extinguishers, battery backup exit signs and site signage
quantities and locations will be determined by the Travis County Fire
Marshal’s Office. Equipping public safety UTV’s with fire suppression
will greatly reduce portable extinguishers required throughout the
(e) All large outdoor modular/scaffold stages must have working
anemometer, unless otherwise approved. Display will be placed in
designated position determined by the Travis County Fire Marshal’s
(f) Site lighting design and placement will be cooperatively advanced to
ensure safety and compliance.
(g) All flammable liquids and gasses must be stored off-site at pre-
determined location. Any refueling and/or exchange of compressed
gasses should take place when crowds are not present.
(h) A licensed electrical contractor must supervise and inspect all electrical
installations. Multi-day events require a licensed electrician on site for
10. Emergency Operations/Safety Plan.
The promoter must submit an emergency operations/safety plan that sets forth
the promoter’s plan for handling inclement weather, bomb threats, and active
shooter threats.
11. Security and Public Safety.
(a) The promoter must submit a security plan that specifies the number of
security staff, who will be providing security for the event, and how
security will be handled for the event.
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(b) Will the promoter be using Travis County Sheriff’s Office off-duty officers
to provide security for the event? ____ Yes ____ No
(c) Will the promoter be using a private security company to provide security
for the event? ____ Yes ____ No
(d) If the promoter will be using a private security company for the event, the
promoter must attach an executed copy of the promoter’s contract with the
private security company, and the contract must include:
(1) The name and address of the company providing services;
(2) The days and hours security services will be provided;
(3) Details regarding the services that will be provided, including the
number of staff members that will be used and the qualifications of
those staff members; and
(4) Contact information for the lead person in charge of security at the
12. Amplified Sound.
(a) If a permit is approved, the applicant must cooperate with the Travis
County Sheriff’s Office and the Health and Safety officer designated by the
Travis County Fire Marshal to monitor noise levels.
(b) The promoter must ensure that noise levels from the event do not exceed
70 decibels measured at any residence adjacent to the event site.
(c) Amplified sound is prohibited:
(i) After 11:00p.m. for event days on Sunday through Thursday; and
(ii) After 1:00a.m. the next morning for event days that begin on Friday
and Saturday.
(d) Start time for music on each day of the event:
(e) End time for music on each day of the event: __________________
(f) If the Travis County Sheriff’s Office or the Health and Safety Officer
designated by the Travis County Fire Marshal warns the promoter that
sound violates any of the above requirements and the promoter does not
immediately cause compliance the Travis County Sheriff’s Office or the
Health and Safety Officer designated by the Travis County Fire Marshal is
authorized to turn off the sound equipment for the remainder of the event.
13. Lighting
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The promoter must undertake commercially-reasonable efforts to mask stage,
parking, and all other lighting to limit light exposure to neighboring properties.
14. Dust
The applicant must undertake commercially-reasonable efforts to limit dust
exposure to neighboring properties. Describe the promoter’s plan for (a)
commercially-reasonable masking of stage lighting to limit light exposure for
neighboring properties, (b) cooperating with the Travis County Sheriff’s Office
and other County personnel to monitor noise levels for neighboring properties,
and (c) reasonable mitigation of dust exposure for neighboring properties.