PY2014-18 Community Development Block Grant Program Project Proposal Form: TC Departments
Travis County, TX Page 1 of 5
CDBG Project Proposal Form
Please refer to the Instructions for the Project Proposal Form before filling out this document. If you need
additional space to answer any section attach additional sheets of paper.
Contact Information
Provide a proposed project title.
Project Title:
Indicate the name of the individual,
organization, or Travis County Department
proposing the project.
Indicate the name of the person to direct
questions regarding the proposed project.
Contact Person:
Provide the mailing address and e-mail for
the contact person.
Address/ E-mail:
Provide the daytime phone number for
the contact person.
Description of Problem/Need
Problem/Need - Describe the problem or need to be addressed in enough detail to convey its seriousness
and magnitude.
PY2014-18 Community Development Block Grant Program Project Proposal Form: TC Departments
Travis County, TX Page 2 of 5
Please refer to the Instructions for the Project Proposal Form before filling out this document.
Project Description
Project Description - Describe the proposed activities and explain how the project addresses the problem or
Type of Project - Please choose from the following list to indicate the category that best represents your
Business and Jobs
Community Services
Infrastructure Needs
Public Buildings & Facilities
Populations with Specialized Needs
Type of Activity Please choose from the list of activities on pages 5-6 of the instructions, and indicate
below the activity that best matches your project.
PY2014-18 Community Development Block Grant Program Project Proposal Form: TC Departments
Travis County, TX Page 3 of 5
Project Description continued
Project Location & Service Area - Indicate the location of the proposed activities. For public improvement
projects such as street or water improvements, include all of the street names and address ranges for all
persons that would benefit from the activity. Describe the area to be served by the project. If possible, include
a map.
Number of People Impacted Indicate the number of persons, and/or households to be served. If known,
indicate an estimate of the number and/or percentage of low-moderate income persons to be served.
PY2014-18 Community Development Block Grant Program Project Proposal Form: TC Departments
Travis County, TX Page 4 of 5
Project Cost and Timelines
If known, provide the total project cost and a
copy of the cost estimate or budget.
If known, indicate the amount of CDBG funds
If any additional funding sources are needed,
indicate the sources and amounts to ensure full
funding of the project. Attach any letters of
financial commitment. Any additional funds must
be committed in writing prior to CDBG project
approval. If this is a housing project, please
attach a proforma.
If applicable, indicate the source of the cost
If known, indicate the proposed schedule for
project completion. If a timeline is not available,
indicate an approximate number of days for
project completion. Keep in mind that grant
funding for the Program Year Cycle is available no
earlier than November 1.
*Technical assistance on project cost estimates may be able to be provided by County staff.
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Travis County, TX Page 5 of 5
Additional Notes and Information
Answer the question by
selecting Yes or No.
Has this project received Travis County CDBG funding in the past?
If yes, describe the project’s past performance Indicate the number of years of funding and details on
successes and barriers.
Answer the question by
selecting Yes or No.
Does your organization or Department have experience working
with CDBG funds?
If yes, describe your organization’s past performance Indicate the number of years of funding and
details on successes and barriers.
Thank you for your participation!