PY14-PY18 Community Development Block Grant Program Project Proposal : : Nonprofits
Travis County, TX
CDBG Project Proposal Form
Please refer to the Instructions for the Project Proposal Form before filling out this document. If you need additional
space to answer any section, attach additional sheets of paper.
Contact Information
Provide a proposed project title.
Project Title:
Indicate the name of the individual,
organization, or neighborhood proposing
the project.
Indicate the name of the person to direct
questions regarding the proposed project.
Contact Person:
Provide the mailing address and e-mail for
the contact person.
Address/ E-mail:
Provide the daytime phone number for the
contact person.
Additional Information
Section 3 Certification if applicable. Please complete the Section 3 certification attached to this
form and submit it with the Project Proposal.
Travis County Administrative Fiscal Review (AFR) - If the organization has a current AFR on file with
Travis County, please indicate that here. If not, please complete the AFR attached to this form and
submit it with the Project Proposal.
Letters of Interest from other funding sources if applicable. If other funders have committed funds
to the project being proposed, please submit letters of commitment from those funders.
PY14-PY18 Community Development Block Grant Program Project Proposal : : Nonprofits
Travis County, TX
Please refer to the Instructions for the Project Proposal Form before filling out this document.
Description of Problem/Need
Problem/Need - Describe the problem or need to be addressed in enough detail to convey its
seriousness and magnitude.
Project Description
Project Description - Describe the proposed activities and explain how the project addresses the
problem or need.
Type of Project - Please choose from the following list to indicate the category that best represents
your project.
Business and Jobs
Community Services
Infrastructure Needs
Public Buildings & Facilities
Populations with Specialized Needs
Type of Activity Please choose from the list of activities on pages 5-6 of the instructions, and
indicate below the activity that best matches your project.
PY14-PY18 Community Development Block Grant Program Project Proposal : : Nonprofits
Travis County, TX
Project Description continued
Project Location & Service Area - Indicate the location of the proposed activities. For public
improvement projects such as street or water improvements, include all of the street names and
address ranges for all persons that would benefit from the activity. Describe the area to be served by
the project. If possible, include a map.
Number of People Impacted Indicate the number of persons, and/or households to be served. If
known, indicate an estimate of the number and/or percentage of low-moderate income persons to be
PY14-PY18 Community Development Block Grant Program Project Proposal : : Nonprofits
Travis County, TX
Project Cost and Timelines
Estimated Cost of the Project:*
Amount of CDBG funds requested:
Amount and Source of Other Funds:
Source of the cost estimate:
Timeline for Implementation of Project:
*Technical assistance on project cost estimates may be able to be provided by County staff.
PY14-PY18 Community Development Block Grant Program Project Proposal : : Nonprofits
Travis County, TX
Additional Notes and Information
Answer the question by
selecting Yes or No.
Has this project received Travis County CDBG funding in the past?
If yes, describe the project’s past performance Indicate the number of years of funding and
details on successes and barriers.
Answer the question by
circling Yes or No.
Does your organization have experience working with CDBG or
other HUD funds?
If yes, describe your organization’s past performance Indicate the number of years of funding
and details on successes and barriers.
Thank you for your participation!
PY14-18 CDBG Program Project Proposal :: Section 3
Compliance with Section 3
Travis County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
Section 3 Overview
Section 3 Overview
Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, requires that
recipients of financial assistance provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), including developers, owners, and contractors and their subcontractors,
provide, “to the greatest extent feasible”, training and employment opportunities for low
income area residents and contract opportunities for the performance of work by local
businesses owned by and/or employing low income residents.
Section 3 preference requirements apply to recipients of CDBG for a covered project for which
the amount of assistance exceeds $200,000. Contractors and subcontractors are subject to
Section 3 requirements when the amount of assistance exceeds $200,000 and the amount of the
contract or subcontract exceeds $100,000. If the amount of assistance exceeds $200,000, but no
contract exceeds $100,000, the Section 3 preference requirements apply only to the recipients.
Section 3 applies to subrecipients, professional services or construction work for housing
rehabilitation, housing construction or other public construction projects.
Section 3 Residents and Business Concerns
A “section 3 resident” is: 1) a public housing resident; or 2) a low- or very low-income person
residing in the metropolitan area or Non-metropolitan County in which the Section 3 covered
assistance is expended. Refer to Exhibit 1 for a definition of low and very low income resident.
A “Section 3 business concerns” are businesses that can provide evidence that they meet one of
the following: 1) 51 percent or more owned by Section 3 residents; or 2) At least 30 percent of
its fully time employees include persons that are currently Section 3 residents, or within three
years of the date of first employment with the business concern were Section 3 residents; or 3)
Provides evidence, as required, of a commitment to
subcontract in excess of 25 percent of the dollar award of all subcontracts to be awarded to
business concerns that meet the qualifications in the above two paragraphs.
Section 3 Compliance
To comply with Section 3 requirements, the Travis County CDBG program will examine and
consider amongst other factors the contractor’s or vendor’s potential for success by providing
employment and business opportunities to low- and very low-income residents prior to acting
on any proposed contract award. Towards this end, the County will include a local
PY14-18 CDBG Program Project Proposal :: Section 3
opportunity plan for CDBG-sponsored projects. As part of the response to bid solicitations,
request for proposals, services or qualifications, businesses will be required to certify that a
Section 3 Local Opportunity Plan will be submitted to the County if they are awarded a CDBG-
funded contract.
Section 3 Local Opportunity Plan
A sample local opportunity plan is attached as Exhibit 2 along with Section 3 definitions on
Exhibit 3. Recipients will be expected to maintain documentation of activities and outreach
attempts. Recipients can use the form in Exhibit 4 to document the eligibility of their workers
as Section 3 eligible residents. Additional information about Section 3 can be found on HUD’s
website at the following URL: .
Contractors, consultants, subrecipients and subcontractors will be expected to complete the
“Section 3 Report” found in Exhibit 5 to document efforts made to direct the employment
toward low-and very low income persons and to document whether Section 3 residents were
hired to fill any available positions. Reports must be submitted to the County on a quarterly
basis throughout the contract period and a final report will be due 5 days after the
project/contract close-out date. The quarterly reports will be due according to the following
January 5
for activities undertaken from October through December;
April 5
for activities undertaken from January through March;
July 5
for activities undertaken from April through June; and
October 5
for activities undertaken from July through September.
If the 5th falls on a weekend or a holiday, the quarterly reports are due to Travis County on the
next business day.
PY14-18 CDBG Program Project Proposal :: Section 3
Exhibit 1: Section 3 Income Limits
All residents of public housing developments of the Travis County Housing
Authority qualify as Section 3 residents. Additionally, individuals residing in
Travis Coun
ty who meet the low income limits set forth below can also qualify
for Section 3 status.
Eligibility Guideline (Effective March 6, 2015)
Number in Household Low Income
1 individual
2 individuals
3 individuals
4 individuals
5 individuals
6 individuals
7 individuals
8 individuals
PY14-18 CDBG Program Project Proposal :: Section 3
Exhibit 2: Section 3 Local Opportunity Plan
(Name of Contractor), hereby agrees to implement the following specific affirmative action steps to
increase the utilization of business concerns located within the Travis County boundaries.
1. Implement procedures to notify Section 3 residents and business concerns about
training and employment opportunities generated by Section 3 covered assistance.
2. Implement procedures to notify Section 3 business concerns about the availability of
contracting and subcontracting opportunities generated by Section 3 covered
3. Use notification methods to reach a broad segment of Section 3 residents that may
include advertising in local advertising media, placing signs at the project site,
contacting the Travis County Housing Authority, and contacting community
organizations, employment agencies, and other public or private institutions operating
and servicing the project area.
4. Notify potential contractors and subcontractors contemplating work on Section 3
covered projects of their responsibilities.
5. Incorporate the Section 3 Clause (verbatim) into all covered solicitations and contracts
as per Section 24 CFR Part 135.38.
6. Refrain from entering into contracts with contractors or subcontractors that are in
violation of the Section 3 regulations.
7. Appoint or recruit a staff member to act as Equal Opportunity Officer to coordinate the
implementation of this plan.
8. Submit quarterly reports as required by the Travis County CDBG program reporting
Section 3 employment activities.
9. Maintain records, including copies of correspondence, memoranda, etc., which
document that all of the above affirmative action steps have been taken.
We, the officers / representatives of ___________________________, have read and fully agree to
this plan, and agree to become a party to the full implementation of this program.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized, has caused this document to be
executed in its name
on the ______ day of ___________________, ____.
_________________________________ ___________________________
Signature of Authorized Representative Title
click to sign
click to edit
PY14-18 CDBG Program Project Proposal :: Section 3
Exhibit 3: Section 3 Definitions
Employment Opportunities Generated by Section 3 Covered Assistance all employment
opportunities generated by the expenditure of Section 3 covered projects including management
and administrative jobs. Management and administrative jobs include architectural,
engineering, or related professional services required to prepare plans, drawings, specifications,
or work write-ups; and jobs directly related to administrative support of these activities, e.g.
construction manager, relocation specialist, payroll clerk, etc.
Low Income Person families (including single persons) whose incomes do not exceed 80% of
the area median family income, with adjustments for smaller and larger families.
New Hires full-time employees for permanent, temporary, or seasonal employment
Section 3 Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended (12 USC
Section 3 Business Concerna business concern,
a. That is 51% or more owned by Section 3 residents; or
b. Whose permanent, full-time employees include persons, at least 30-percent of whom are
currently Section 3 residents, or within three years of the date of first employment with
the business concern were Section 3 residents; or
c. That provides evidence of a commitment to subcontract in excess of 25% of the dollar
award of all subcontractors to be awarded to business concerns that meet the
qualifications set forth in paragraph “a” or “b” above.
PY14-18 CDBG Program Project Proposal :: Section 3
Section 3 Definitions (continued)
Section 3 Covered Assistance
a. Assistance provided under any HUD housing or community development program that
is expended for work arising in connection with the construction, reconstruction,
conversion, or rehabilitation of housing (including reduction and abatement of lead-
based paint hazards), other public construction which includes buildings or
improvements (regardless of ownership) assisted with housing or community
development funds.
b. Public housing development assistance provided pursuant to Section 4 of the 1937 Act;
c. Public housing operating assistance provided pursuant to Section 9 of the 1937 Act;
d. Public housing modernization assistance provided pursuant to Section 14 of the 1937 Act;
Section 3 Covered Contracts a contract or subcontract (including a professional service
contract) awarded by a recipient or contractor for work generated by the expenditure of Section
3 covered assistance, or for work generated by the expenditures of Section 3 covered assistance,
or for work arising in connection with a Section 3 covered project. Section 3 covered contracts do
not include contracts for the purchase of supplies and materials. However, whenever a contract
for materials includes the installation of the materials, the contract constitutes a Section 3
covered contract.
Section 3 Resident a public housing resident or an individual who resides in the metropolitan
area or non-metropolitan county in which the Section 3 covered assistance is expended and who
is considered to be a low to very-low income person.
Subcontractor any entity (other than a person who is an employee of the contractor) which has
a contract with a contractor to undertake a portion of the contractors obligation for the
performance of work generated by the expenditure of Section 3 covered assistance, or arising in
connection with a Section 3 covered project.
Very low-income person families (including eligible single persons) whose income does not
exceed 50% of the area median family income, with adjustments for smaller and larger families.
PY14-18 CDBG Program Project Proposal :: Section 3
Exhibit 4: Resident Employment Opportunity Data
Eligibility for Preference
A section 3 resident seeking the preference in training and employment provided by this
part shall certify, or submit evidence to the recipient contractor or subcontractor, if
requested, that the person is a Section 3 resident, as defined in Section 135.5. (An example
of evidence of eligibility for the preference is evidence of receipt of public assistance, or
evidence of participation in a public assistance program).
Certification for Resident Seeking Section 3 Preference in Training and
I, _____________________________________, am a legal resident of the
___________________________________________ and meet the income eligibility
guidelines for a low- or very-low-income person as published on the reverse.
My permanent address is:
I have attached the following documentation as evidence of my status:
Copy of lease Copy of receipt of public assistance
Copy of Evidence of participation Other evidence
in a public assistance program.
Signature _____________________________
Print Name Date _______________________
PY14-18 CDBG Program Project Proposal :: Section 3
Exhibit 5: Section 3 Report
Part l Agency and Contractor Information
Subrecipient /Contractor/Subcontractor
Project Name:
Contract Amount:
Report Date:
Contact Person Name:
Phone Number:
Indicate the efforts you made to direct the employment and other economic opportunities generated by the
CDBG financial assistance to the greatest extent feasible, toward low-and very low income persons,
particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing. (Check all that apply.)
Attempted to recruit low income residents through: local advertising media, signs prominently
displayed at the project site, contacts with community organizations and public or private
agencies operating within the metropolitan area (or non-metropolitan county) in which the
Section 3 covered project is located or similar methods
Participated in a HUD program or other program which promotes the training or employment of
Section 3 residents
Participated in a HUD program or other program that promotes the award of contracts to
businesses that meet the definition of a Section 3 business.
Coordinated with Youthbuild Programs administered in the metropolitan area in which the
Section 3 covered projects is located.
Other; describe below.
Part II Information Regarding Agency/ Contractor Employment
Subrecipient /
Contractor/Subcontractor Name:
Project Name:
Contact Person Name:
Report Date:
Phone Number:
For Subrecipients: Did your agency receive $200,000 or
more of CDBG funds for this project?
For Contractors/Consultants: Is your contract in excess of
$100,000? If yes continue, if no then stop. (note for
subcontractors: Section 3 applies if the primary contract
exceeds $100,000)
Were there any new hires by your organization that were
generated in connection with the CDBG award/project? New
hireis defined as full time positions that are either
permanent, temporary or seasonal. A new hire can be for a
new position or replacement of an existing position that
became vacant. If yes, please complete the following table in
its entirety. If no, then stop.
Job Category
of New
Number of
New Hires
that are Sec
3 Residents
% of Aggregate
Number of Staff
Hours of New Hires
that are Section 3
% of Total Staff
Hours for Section 3
Employees and
Number of Section 3
Employees and
Construction by Trade
Other (List)
Section 3 resident/employee definition: A resident of public housing (regardless of income), or an
individual residing in the metropolitan area or non metropolitan county in which the CDBG assistance
is expended and whose income is below 80% of the metropolitan or county median income as published
by HUD.
Exhibit 6: Section 3 Certification
(to be added to the contract)
A. The work to be performed under this contract is subject to the requirements of section 3 of the Housing
and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u (Section 3). The purpose of
Section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD
assistance or HUD-assisted projects covered by Section 3, shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be
directed to low- and very low-income persons, particularly persons who are recipients of HUD
assistance for housing.
B. The parties to this contract agree to comply with HUDs regulations in 24 CFR part 135, which
implement Section 3. As evidenced by their execution of this contract, the parties to this contract certify
that they are under no contractual or other impediment that would prevent them from complying with
the part 135 regulations.
C. The contractor agrees to send to each labor organization or representative or workers with which the
contractor has a collective bargaining agreement or other understanding, if any, a notice advising the
labor organization or workersrepresentative of the contractors commitments under this Section 3
clause, and will post copies of the notice in conspicuous places at the work site where both employees
and applicants for training and employment positions can see the notice. The notice shall describe the
Section 3 preference, shall set forth minimum number and job titles subject to hire, availability of
apprenticeship and training positions, the qualifications for each; and the name and location of the
person(s) taking applications for each of the positions; and the anticipated date the work shall begin.
D. The contractor agrees to include this Section 3 clause in every subcontract subject to compliance with
regulations in 24 CFR part 135, and agrees to take appropriate action, as provided in an applicable
provision of the subcontract or in this Section 3 clause, upon a finding that the subcontractor is in
violation of the regulations in 24 CFR part 135. The contractor will not subcontract with any
subcontractor where the contractor has notice or knowledge that the subcontractor has been found in
violation of the regulations in 24 CFR part 135.
E. The contractor will certify that any vacant employment positions, including training positions, that are
filled (1) after the contractor is selected but before the contract is executed, and (2) with persons other
than those to whom the regulations of 24 CFR part 135 require employment opportunities to be
directed, were not filled to circumvent the contractors obligations under 24 CFR part 135.
F. Noncompliance with HUDs regulations in 24 CFR part 135 may result in sanctions, termination of this
contract for default, and debarment or suspension from future HUD assisted contracts.
G. With respect to work performed in connection with Section 3 covered Indian housing assistance,
section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act .
H. (25 U.S.C. 450e) also applies to the work to be performed under this contract. Section 7(b) requires
that to the greatest extent feasible (i) preference and opportunities for training and employment shall be
given to Indians, and (ii) preference in the award of contracts and subcontracts shall be given to Indian
organizations and Indian-owned Economic Enterprises. Parties to this contract that are subject to the
provisions of Section 3 to the maximum extent feasible, but not in derogation of compliance with
section 7(b).
I. The contractor also agrees to adopt a Local Opportunity Plan, maintain documentation to support its
implementation and report not less than a quarterly basis the results of their Section 3 efforts.
I certify that I understand and will follow the Section 3 requirements presented above and have the
capacity to comply, document, and report as necessary.
WARNING: Falsifying information on this certification is a felony. HUD will prosecute false claims and
statements. Conviction may result in civil and/or criminal penalties. (18 U.S.C. §§ 1001, 1010, 1012, 3559,
3571; 31 U.S.C.§§ 3729, 3802).
Name of Contractor: _______________________________
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ____________________________________________
Date: _______________________________