FD/FOC 4018 ii Revised 8/7/2020
4. Make 3 sets of copies of pages 1 through 3 if you are filing by mail. Make 1 copy of pages 1 through 3 if
you are filing online.
5. Always keep a copy of every paper you file with the Court and bring your copies with you to the hearing.
6. To get a Court date, you need to file the motion properly with the Court.
1. E-mail your motion with attachments and your receipt of payment of the filing fee (or signed Order
waiving filing fees) to filings@3rdcc.org.
Every document must be in pdf format and be separate
attachments to your email. When filing a Motion, the Motion, Brief, Notice of Hearing, and Proof of
Service can be filed as one single pdf document. All other documents, including fee waivers
iling payment receipts, must be filed as separate documents.
2. You must monitor your case on Odyssey Public Access at www.3rdcc.org/OPA to confirm when
your motion has been filed with the County Clerk’s office. Please allow at least 48 hours for your
motion to be filed.
3. When you have confirmed that the motion has been filed with the County Clerk’s office, you must
submit a Friend of the Court ePraecipe at https://www.3rdcc.org/efiling/epraecipe
to schedule your
motion for hearing before the referee assigned to your case.
4. Once you have submitted the ePraecipe, you will receive a completed copy back with your hearing
e on it. Please note that the final hearing date may be different from what was requested on t
ePraecipe, due to Court availability.
1. Mail your original forms, 3 sets of copies and a money order or certified check for the filing fees to: Wayne
County Clerk, 2 Woodward Ave, Room 201, Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, Detroit, MI 48226.
2. Keep copies of everything you mail to the Court.
3. Include a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope and a letter asking the County Clerk to mail you a receipt
a c
opy of your motion stamped “filed.”
4. You will receive your hearing date by mail.
For questions regarding filing, please visit: http://www.3rdcc.org/divisions/family-domestic/emergency-and-non-
emergency-filings. You may also call the Wayne County Friend of the Court at (844) 785-7593 or email
Failure to complete all of the above steps may result in delay or dismissal of your motion.
he Court is required by law to use the Michigan Child Support Formula to set the child support
amount, unless the Court finds that application of the formula would be unjust or inappropriate.