MESA Community College Program (MCCP)
Student Agreement Contract
This contract is intended to help you get the most out of the available MESA services, while helping to develop your
academic and professional skills. Please read the contract carefully, in order to fully understand what will be expected of
you as a MESA Scholar.
As a student participant in the Wenatchee Valley College MESA program, I will:
1. Complete the Canvas New Student Online Orientation within one quarter of becoming a member.
2. Meet with a Wenatchee Valley advisor or counselor to develop a Quarterly Educational Plan and provide a copy to
the MESA Director. This must be done the first quarter that I am accepted into the MESA program.
3. Meet with the MESA Director at least once per quarter and follow up with any resources and suggestions that can
help my academic progress. If my GPA falls below a 2.0 I am required to meet with the Director once per month.
4. Keep all scheduled appointments or notify the appropriate party when I cannot make it. I understand that MESA
services will be discontinued if I miss or show up late for 3 appointments.
5. Participate in available !EW’s, study groups, or visit with a tutor at least once per week if my GPA falls below a 3.0.
6. Attend a minimum of two Transfer Advising Workshops and/or university campus visits within three-quarters of
7. Attend a minimum of two workshops per quarter and/or complete any Canvas workshop sessions.
8. Respond to all MESA surveys and questionnaires in a timely manner. It is my responsibility to check email regularly
or inform the Director if this is not possible, so other arrangements can be made.
9. Do limited service such as promoting MESA events, assist in recruiting other eligible students to MESA, and
10. Notify the MESA Director of changes in my contact information (i.e., email, number, home address, and change in
academic plan).
11. Be respectful and supportive of other MESA students and maintain a fun and clean student center space.
12. If I do not actively participate in the MESA Program I will be placed on the inactive list and my slot will be filled. After
being placed on the inactive list, I may reapply to the program the following quarter.
13. I understand that if I fail to meet any requirements of the MESA program or act in a manner deemed inappropriate,
the Director reserves the right to discontinue services.
Authorization and Liability
I give my permission for the MESA Director and designated staff to:
1. Use my photograph and/or quotes for MESA related press releases, information and media material, especially in
promoting my success and achievements. I understand that my refusal will not impact my eligibility, and that I may,
in writing, withdraw my consent. Yes No
2. Send program-related text messages to my cell phone. I understand that my refusal will not impact my eligibility,
and that I may, in writing, withdraw my consent. Yes No
By applying to the MESA Community College Program (MCCP), I understand that I give my permission to obtain
information about my academic performance from colleges and testing agencies, financial aid and other offices to
determine eligibility for the MCCP Program and data research. I further understand that if eligible, my academic
information will be used for reporting and grant purposes, scholarship disbursement, and academic tracking. I certify
that I have provided true and correct information.
Program Director Signature: Date: Student signature:
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