Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
Quantum QS-A-CMP-DBO-0 Q-Manager
369590f 2 03.21.19
Considerations for Customer-Supplied Computers
• Lutron Field Service will install the purchased Lutron
software on one computer only, at the time of
commissioning. Customer must have available:
— The working computer that meets the minimum
Lutron specification
— The original Windows® installation disks
— All driver disks for the customer-supplied computer
— Administrative rights for the customer-supplied
— An IT representative
• Computers that meet the minimum specification but
cannot be configured by Field Service (maximum
on-site configuration time is limited to 4 hours) will
require a connection to the Internet for remote access
from a Lutron services company representative
(additional charges may apply)
• If remote access is not available, the computer
must be shipped (using an insured shipment) by the
customer, at the owner's risk and expense, to Lutron
for Lutron software installation. The computer must
be shipped with the correct operating system disk
and all driver disks. A 4 week lead-time will apply to
any computers shipped to Lutron. To cover the Lutron
troubleshooting, an additional 4 hour service charge
will apply. Computers supplied by the customer are
not covered by a Lutron warranty
• Once configured by Lutron, the computer must be
used for Lutron lighting control only and cannot be
used for other applications
• Lutron reserves the right to ask the customer to
reformat the customer's computer and reload the
operating system to rectify any installation issues
• Any Lutron software upgrades can only be loaded
on computers that have been unaltered after the
initial Lutron configuration. Otherwise, additional
charges will apply
• When the Quantum software suite is hosted on a
desktop PC, the software is designed to be used
locally on the PC. Remote connection to the PC
from another PC or tablet is not supported
• When the Quantum software suite is hosted on a
computer running a server-grade operating system,
a laptop, desktop PC or tablet can connect to the
server using a web browser. In these cases,
Lutron recommends following the guidelines in
QS-A-CMP-SBO-0 for machines that will function as
Software Updates/Patches
• Note that Lutron will not be responsible for
maintenance, security and software patching of
the machine.
• Lutron recommends that the machine is installed
and maintained as part of the customer's
IT infrastructure and involve the customer's
IT department in the patching, security and
maintenance of the machine.
)Lutron, Lutron, Q-Manager, and Quantum are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lutron Electronics Co., Inc., in the U.S. and other countries.
Microsoft, Internet Explorer, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
AMD, Intel, and Intel Core are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.