Graduate Field Placement
Learning Agreement Addendum
PPS Credential Program Competencies
School Social Work and Child Welfare and Attendance
Student Name: ______________________________________________
Placement Agency: ______________________________________________
Instructions: For each required program competency, the student lists the
assignment(s) to be completed in order to fulfill the competency. This addendum is
to be attached to the required graduate learning agreement for each semester of this
academic year.
NOTE: Please use the right-hand column to document completion of
assignments using a specific date of completion.
PPS Requirements
1. One hundred clock hours of school-based practice with at
least ten pupils of a racial/ethnic background different from
that of the candidate.
2. Completion of 450 clock hours of school social work field
experience. Field placement hours shall be provided in at
least two of four settings (preschool, elementary, middle, high
school). Candidates pursuing the PPS credential in School
Social Work and CWA must complete a minimum of 100
clock hours at each setting. Candidates pursuing the
additional specialization in School Counseling must complete
a minimum of 200 clock hours at each setting.
3. Completion of 150 clock hours of field placement
experience in child welfare and attendance. Ninety (90)
clock hours must be school based; 30-60 hours of the total
150 clock hours must be in interdisciplinary experiences
in a setting outside the field of education and will be
arranged accordingly (specify locations and hours):
a. Child Welfare (8 hours):
b. Juvenile Justice (8 hours):
c. Medical (6 hours):
d. Other (8 hours):
Revised: 6-09