PPS Completion Form-2001 Standards
Revised June 2008
California State University, Fresno
College of Health and Human Services
Department of Social Work Education
PPS Credential Program Completion Form
(New Standards – 2001)
Instructions: 1. Complete form.
2. Credential Candidate signs the form.
3. Candidate returns completed form to the PPS Coordinator in the
Department of Social Work Education.
4. PPS Coordinator turns in form to KSOEHD Credential Analyst for
final clearance.
Date: __________________ CSUF ID#: ______________________
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
First MI Last
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Street Address City State Zip Code
Phone: Home: ______________Work:_______________Cell:___________________________
For PPS Coordinator Only:
___ Required Grade Point Average of 3.0.
___ Possesses a basic credential or Certificate of Clearance
___ Verification of passing CBEST.
___ Evaluation forms for advanced field instructed practice (SWrk 282 and SWrk 283).
___ Evidence of 450 clock hours of field practice (School Social Work Specialization).
___ Evidence of 150 clock hours of field practice (Child Welfare and Attendance
___ Completion of all Program Competencies
For PPS Credential Candidate:
Please use your final CSUF transcripts to complete the table on the back of this