California State University, Fresno Department of Social Work Education Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Page 1
Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Program
BASW Competencies Addendum Fall & Spring 20 ________
Throughout the Bachelor of Social Work Program (i.e. field placement, coursework and seminars), students are exposed
to the four content areas covered by the Curriculum Competencies for Public Child Welfare in California. The Addendum
to the Learning Agreement assists the Title IV-E Program in monitoring the Curriculum Competencies for Public Child
Welfare, knowledge and skills attained in field practice. Please read over the competencies listed and indicate with a date
completed the task/activity that facilitated the attainment of each competency. If the student will not have the opportunity
to address a particular competency during the course of his/her placement, with your agency, please explore with your
Field Instructor/Liaison ways in which the competency can be addressed outside of the agency and indicate what you did
to accomplish this objective. (Asterisk symbol indicates CalSWEC Field Experience Inventory Competency)
2.1.1 Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly
Demonstrate a beginning capacity to advocate for client services that are community-based and
culturally sensitive. (Based on an understanding of how personal beliefs, norms, and world view
influence practice.)
Communicate respect for cultural background and client dignity when working
with clients.
Verbally discuss personal biases, while identifying and advocating for culturally
sensitive client services.
Identify culturally-based / culturally sensitive community resources
Present a case in a team meeting with field instructor/supervisor/and /or
Field Liaison.
Practice self-correction and reflection, demonstrating self-awareness of personal biases and
knowledge limitations.
Demonstrate ability to work with paraprofessionals.
Discuss with field instructor/supervisor feelings of reflection.
Verbally identify practice related skills and articulate own level of skill &
plan to Improve.
Present self in a respectful, professional manner and adapt to community language & cultural
needs in communicating with child welfare clients, colleagues, and others.
Demonstrate professionalism when addressing clients, colleagues, and others.
Learn appropriate professional boundary setting with colleagues and clients/
consumers by observing staff during their contacts with clients & agency
California State University, Fresno
Department of Social Work