California State University, Fresno Department of Social Work Education
Title IV-E Child Welfare Addendum
Advanced Competencies ___________
Student Name:
Field Instructor Name: Liaison Name: _
Child Welfare Placement Agency:
Throughout the Master of Social Work Program (i.e. field placement, coursework, and seminars), students are exposed to
the ten areas covered by the EPAS (Educational Policy Accreditation Standards) as approved by the Council of Social Work
Education and CalSWEC. This Addendum to the Learning Agreement assists the Title IV-E Program in monitoring the
Curriculum Competencies for Public Child Welfare attained in field practice. Please read over the competencies and specific
activities listed. Keep in mind that you will be reviewing your Title IV-E Addendum on a weekly basis during your
formal field instruction hour. Please work with your Title IV-E Liaison to finalize your addendum and keep him/her aware of
your progress. This Title IV-E Addendum will be evaluated for completion at the end of the academic year in May. Have a
great year! (Asterisk symbol indicates CalSWEC Field Experience Inventory Competency).
ld placement hours shall include an internship in a public child welfare agency for a minimum of one year whereby the
Title IV-E student develops the knowledge and skills necessary to incorporate Title IV-E Child Welfare Competencies into
child welfare practice.
To be reviewed and completed by the student & field instructor together
Students are to complete at least 3 activities in each section, where applicable.
I) 2.1.1 Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly
2.1.1 A
ble to articulate the roles of a professional child welfare social worker and consistently demonstrate effective
self management, interpersonal interaction, service advocacy, and continuing professional development within
1. Art
iculate agency's professional expectations regarding conduct, dress, service delivery, cultural
competence, and boundaries with clients, colleagues, community partners, and the community
2. Discuss with field instructor roles and responsibilities of assigned task area
3. Discuss with field instructor a situation/case which requires advocacy and upon approval apply the skills,
techniques, and process of advocating (inform field instructor of outcome)
4. Demonstrate knowledge of community resources and contracted agency services
5. Shadow social workers in Emergency Response, Family Maintenance, Family Reunification, and Permanency
Planning (e.g. kinship/guardianship, aging out youth, etc.) units*
II) 2.1.2 Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice
2 Demonstrates capacity to address ethical dilemmas.
1. Di
scuss with field instructor any ethical dilemmas encountered with clients, in the agency, or community
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2. Discuss with field instructor agency expectations regarding conflict resolution with clients, colleagues,
community partners, or community (Reamer, Dolgoff & Lowenberg approach)
III) 2.1.3 Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments
3 Apply critical thinking skills using logic, scientific inquiry, and reasoned discernment to synthesize
information, to practice effectively in child welfare and to communicate professional judgments.
1. Demonstrate knowledge and application of W&I codes, Division 31, minimum sufficient level of care, NASW
Standards for Social Work Practice in Child Welfare, and structured decision making (SDM) tool for assigned
task area
2. Discuss with field instructor agency policies regarding conflict resolution with clients, colleagues, and
community partner
3. Discuss required documentation (narratives, SDM, court reports, forms) with field instructor
4. Present a case in a team meeting*
IV) 2.1.4 Engage diversity and difference in practice
4 In providing effective child welfare practice, consistently demonstrate and articulate both accurate
awareness of self and knowledge of societal variables contributing to power imbalances and interpersonal and
intercultural conflict among individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
1. Discuss with field instructor the inherent and perceived power imbalance by the clients and community served
by the agency
2. Com
plete an implicit bias test at and develop a plan to increase score when same test is
V) 2.1.5 Advance human rights and social and economic justice
5 Utilize knowledge of human behavior, variables that contribute to injustice, and advocacy theory to provide
leadership in applying social work skills to promote social and economic justice at the micro, mezzo, and macro
levels in child welfare.
1. Demonstrate knowledge of agency policies related to due process
2. Appl
y agency policy as it relates to inform foster youth, parents, foster parents, relatives, and grandparents of
their rights and documentation of completed work
3. Rev
iew rights of parents and foster youth rights with clients and follow up with documentation indicating
VI) 2.1.6 Engage in research informed practice and practice informed research.
6 Regularly assess and use research to guide child welfare practice, to evaluate child welfare practice, and to
disseminate findings to improve child welfare practice.
1. Dem
onstrate knowledge of the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (
2. Di
scuss with field instructor a program from the website currently practiced at the agency
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3. Discuss with field instructor a program from the website not currently utilized at the agency
4. As
sess child welfare services while attending PTMs, TDMs, court hearings, staffing’s, or administrative
meetings to identify recommendations for improvement
5. Ac
quire and demonstrate knowledge of the agency system improvement plan
6. Observe social workers and others giving testimony*
VII) 2.1.7 Apply knowledge of human behavior to the social environment
2.1.7 Integrates knowledge and theory of human behavior and the social environment from diverse perspectives
to conduct reliable and valid assessments, comprehensive service plans, effective interventions, and meaningful
evaluations in child welfare.
1. Discuss with field instructor theories, models, methods used at the agency to assess, develop plans, and
evaluate outcomes (Developmental, Cognitive, Social Systems, Maslow, Strengths-based, Empowerment,
Crisis Intervention, Loss/Trauma, Safety Organized Practice(SOP), 5 Protective Factors, Rushmore Tool)
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the Child Welfare Dynamic Report System at child welfare as
it relates to the agency
3. Discuss and apply child development theory along with cultural considerations with an assigned case
4. Co
nduct (under supervision) a mental health screening*
5. Supervise a sibling or family visitation*
6. Cr
eate an ILSP(Independent Living Service Plan) with youth*
7. Dev
elop working knowledge of signs of substance abuse and its effect on family functioning*
VIII) 2.1.8 Engage in policy practice to advance social & economic well
being and to deliver effective social
8 Articulates knowledge of current agency, state, and federal child welfare policies and engages in
effective development and implementation of ethical and effective child welfare practices and policies.
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the legal basis for child welfare and the court system
2. Di
scuss with field instructor and apply Division 31 state mandates as it applies to task area
3. Dem
onstrate knowledge and apply ICWA, MEPA, ASFA, Katie A., AB12, AB490AB408, or current legislation
to assigned cases
4. Meet a CASA worker and become familiar with the role of CASA in public child welfare practice
IX) 2.1.9 Respond to context that shape practice
2.1.9 Identify trends among micro, mezzo, and macro variables that affect child welfare practice and
provide leadership to respond to those trends in effective and culturally competent ways.
1. Discuss with field instructor and workers variables (changes in laws, funding, fiscal considerations, working
with clients, caseloads, poverty levels and implications) and trends that affect child welfare practice at different
system levels
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2. Demonstrate knowledge and apply cultural competence skills and techniques in response to identified agency
3. Discuss and review critical incident reporting with field instructor
X) 2.1.10(a) Engagement
2.1.10(a) Demonstrate the ability to develop relationships and manage power differentials in routine and
challenging client and partner situations, in a manner that reflects core social work values in child welfare
1. Identify theoretical framework and apply skills and techniques used to engage and develop relationships with
all systems and discuss with field instructor
2. Apply the engagement strategies and techniques used with a difficult client and discuss outcome with field
3. Identify and address power differentials in case management activities and discuss outcomes with field
4. Demonstrate knowledge of development of mutuality with assessment
5. Visit and meet providers of out of home placement types: family foster care, kinship care, tribal placement,
therapeutic foster care, group home, residential treatment center, THP-Plus foster care, Supported
Independent Living Placement(SILP)*
X) 2.1.10(b) Assessment
2.1.10(b) Consistently gather qualitative and quantitative data from a variety of sources, form coherent meaning
from the data, and use the resulting information to make recommendations and to plan interventions that meet
standards for child welfare social work practice.
1. D
emonstrate knowledge of the Child Welfare Dynamic Report System at childwelfare as
it relates to the agency
2. Discuss with field instructor a program from the website currently practiced at the agency
3. Assess child welfare services while attending PTMs, TDMs, MDTs, ASIs, court hearings, staffings, or
administrative meetings
4. Demonstrate knowledge of assessments (Division 31, chapter 200; SDM; SOP, risk and safety)
5. Demonstrate knowledge and complete a (mock) court report
6. Apply literature review findings to recommend practice decisions*
X) 2.1.10(c) Intervention
2.1.10(c) Comfortably move among the roles of a social worker in child welfare and intervene effectively in those
roles, including enhancing client strengths, acting as a client advocate, and skillfully handling transitions and
1. Apply knowledge of the agency's transition and termination policies as it relates practice
2. Discuss with field instructor a situation/case which requires advocacy and upon approval apply the skills,
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techniques, and process of advocating (inform field instructor of outcome)
3. Apply strength based perspectives and empowerment techniques with assigned families
4. Demonstrate knowledge and application of case planning
5. Develop a permanency plan with a birth and/or adoptive family*
X) 2.1.10(d) Evaluation
2.1.10(d) Consistently employ reliable and valid methods for monitoring and evaluating practice interventions and
use the results to improve child welfare policy and practice. (Evidenced based/informed practice.)
1. Conduct reflection and consultation with field instructor on performance, level of skill, and plan to improve
2. Discuss with field instructor agency's progress and performance
Student Signature: Date:
Field Instructor: Date:
Title IV-E Field Liaison: Date:
Title IV-E Coordinator: Date:
Student Signature: Date:
Field Instructor: Date:
Title IV-E Field Liaison: Date:
Title IV-E Coordinator: Date:
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