3. Discuss with field instructor a program from the cebc4cw.org website not currently utilized at the agency
4. As
sess child welfare services while attending PTMs, TDMs, court hearings, staffing’s, or administrative
meetings to identify recommendations for improvement
5. Ac
quire and demonstrate knowledge of the agency system improvement plan
6. Observe social workers and others giving testimony*
VII) 2.1.7 Apply knowledge of human behavior to the social environment
2.1.7 Integrates knowledge and theory of human behavior and the social environment from diverse perspectives
to conduct reliable and valid assessments, comprehensive service plans, effective interventions, and meaningful
evaluations in child welfare.
1. Discuss with field instructor theories, models, methods used at the agency to assess, develop plans, and
evaluate outcomes (Developmental, Cognitive, Social Systems, Maslow, Strengths-based, Empowerment,
Crisis Intervention, Loss/Trauma, Safety Organized Practice(SOP), 5 Protective Factors, Rushmore Tool)
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the Child Welfare Dynamic Report System at cssr.berkely.edu/ucb child welfare as
it relates to the agency
3. Discuss and apply child development theory along with cultural considerations with an assigned case
4. Co
nduct (under supervision) a mental health screening*
5. Supervise a sibling or family visitation*
6. Cr
eate an ILSP(Independent Living Service Plan) with youth*
7. Dev
elop working knowledge of signs of substance abuse and its effect on family functioning*
VIII) 2.1.8 Engage in policy practice to advance social & economic well
being and to deliver effective social
8 Articulates knowledge of current agency, state, and federal child welfare policies and engages in
effective development and implementation of ethical and effective child welfare practices and policies.
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the legal basis for child welfare and the court system
2. Di
scuss with field instructor and apply Division 31 state mandates as it applies to task area
3. Dem
onstrate knowledge and apply ICWA, MEPA, ASFA, Katie A., AB12, AB490AB408, or current legislation
to assigned cases
4. Meet a CASA worker and become familiar with the role of CASA in public child welfare practice
IX) 2.1.9 Respond to context that shape practice
2.1.9 Identify trends among micro, mezzo, and macro variables that affect child welfare practice and
provide leadership to respond to those trends in effective and culturally competent ways.
1. Discuss with field instructor and workers variables (changes in laws, funding, fiscal considerations, working
with clients, caseloads, poverty levels and implications) and trends that affect child welfare practice at different
system levels
California State University, Fresno Department of Social Work Education Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Page 3