2. Discuss developmental theory, cognitive theory, resiliency and empowerment based perspectives in field
2.1.7 (b) Demonstrate beginning ability to gather and interpret behavioral knowledge in perceiving person
and environment
1. Pr
esent a case in a team meeting*
2. Supervise a sibling or family visitation*
3. De
velop working knowledge of signs of substance abuse and its effect on family functioning.*
VIII) 2.1.8 Engage in policy practice to advance social & economic well‐being and to deliver effective
social services
2.1.8 (a) Begin systematically to collect and analyze knowledge and experiences to identify, formulate,
and advocate for policies that advance social and economic well-being
1. Di
scuss with field instructor policies that impact social and well-being of clients
2. Discuss the Lanterman Act with field instructor
3. Know the
roles & expected conduct of persons in court: judge, attorneys, social workers, CASA volunteers,
witnesses, etc.*
2.1.8 (b) Demonstrate ability to identify and to engage stakeholders to collaborate for effective policy
formulation and action
1. De
monstrate knowledge of stakeholders that collaborate with the agency and have an impact on policy
2. Discuss AB12, Katie A., Affordable Care Act, ICWA, and Immigration Policy with field instructor
3. Obs
erve a TDM or SIP workgroup*
4. Become familiar with the of role of CASA in public child welfare*
IX) 2.1.9 Respond to context that shape practice
2.1.9 Demonstrate beginning capacity to comprehend changing local and social contexts and scientific advances
that affect practice, with an emerging ability to identify and provide relevant services
1. Di
scuss with field instructor current events, legislations, or literature review findings that my impact practice
and service delivery
2. Shadow social workers in Emergency Response, Family Maintenance, Family Reunification, and Permanency
Planning (e.g. kinship/guardianship, aging out youth, etc.) units or relevant public child welfare practice
(school, mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence)*
3. Vi
sit and meet providers of out of home placement types: family foster care, kinship care, tribal placement,
therapeutic foster care, group home, residential treatment center, THP-Plus foster care, Supported
Independent Living Placement(SILP)*
California State University, Fresno Department of Social Work Education Title IV-E Child Welfare Program Page 4