Graduate Studies Office
Center for Business 115
Sponsor Form
Sponsor: Please fill out the information below and provide an official bank statement* with this form.
Please use only one sponsor per form.
Applicant Name:
Sponsor Name:
Relationship to Applicant:
(Street and Number)
(Street and Number)
(City) (Province/State)
(Country) (Postal Code)
Are you sponsoring any other students currently studying in the United States? Yes No
If Yes, Student’s Name:
School Student is Attending:
I certify with my signature that I have read the information furnished by the applicant on the application,
that it is true and accurate, and that the funds are available and will be provided as specified.
*Bank statement(s): Submit official bank statement(s) from your sponsor(s) that have been printed
within the
last three months. The bank statement(s) must show the equivalent of $20,720 USD. Verification of additional
funds is necessary if you are bringing a spouse or other family members as follows: $4,000 for the first
dependent (or spouse) and $2,100 for each additional dependent. The Sponsor Form(s) and bank statement(s)
must be from the same individual(s).