1) Students with sophomore, junior or senior standing are eligible to take a letter graded course on a pass/fail basis. Students
may not elect to take courses in their major discipline, minor discipline, or liberal studies (LASC) as pass/fail.
2) St
udents may take a maximum of 16 credits under the pass/fail option and may take no more than one course during any
one semester under this option. No course which has previously been failed may be repeated under the pass/fail option.
3) Approval must be obtained and this form submitted to the Registrar’s Office during the first 10 class days of the fall or
spring semester. Summer session deadlines will vary. Courses taken for pass/fail may not be changed back to regular
grading once the form has been submitted.
Name (Last, First) Star or Dragon ID
Term Year Email Address
Course Title
Student Signature: _________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Advisor Signature: _________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Return form to:
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Registrar’s Office | Owens Hall 210
1104 7
Ave S
Moorhead MN 56563
Phone: 218.477.2565
Fax: 218.477.2941
Email: Registrar@mnstate.edu
Minnesota State University is an equal opportunity educator & employer and is a member of the Minnesota State System.
Pass/Fail Option
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