To Registrar’s Office:
Student Name Star ID or Dragon ID
ne Number Email Address
udent Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
I w
ish to inspect my education record located in the following office(s):
To Student:
Your request for inspection of your records was received on ______________________________ (date).
The record will be available at ___________________________ (office) on _________________________________ (date).
Registrar Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
If after inspection of records you are not satisfied with its accuracy and completeness, you have the right to su
bmit an appeal.
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Registrar’s Office | Owens Hall 210
1104 7
Ave S
Moorhead MN 56563
Phone: 218.477.2565 Fax: 218.477.2941
Email: Registrar@mnstate.edu
Minnesota State University is an equal opportunity educator & employer and is a member of the Minnesota State System.
Student Request to Inspect & Review
Education Records (FERPA)
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click to sign
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